Page 15 of Green Envy (Sin 2)

She looked around the large open space and connecting rooms. “It’s odd to be here and not be cleaning.”

“I could get us some tea or coffee to warm us up. It gets a little lonely here during the days.”

Margaret pulled the scarf from around her neck and pushed her gloves into the pocket of her coat. “Thank you. I’d welcome the break.”

My eyes opened wide. “Oh, I just remembered that today is still the holiday. I don’t want to intrude on your time more than I have.”

“You haven’t. This was a fun task.”

I gestured to the collection of bags. “How did you get all of this today?”

“Some came in on Saturday. The rest came today. Apparently, if you pay enough for shipping, even the holidays won’t stand in the way of delivery.”

I shook my head. “Donovan shouldn’t have. I have clothes.”

Margaret’s eyebrows danced again. “For a man, he has very good taste. I wouldn’t be hard on him if I were you.”

“Now I’m anxious to see what you brought.”

Margaret laid her coat on one of the chairs. “I could get the coffee if you want to look.”

“How about I help with the coffee, and we can look together?” I hesitated. “Unless the contents will make me blush.”

“Some might, but I’ve seen them, so if you blush it will be because you’re imagining showing them to someone else.”

I grinned. “The someone who picked them out and sent you on a shopping spree.”

“That would be him.”

“I think he wanted the reassurance that they were items a woman would like.”

Once in the kitchen, instead of using the big coffee pot, I read the different flavors aloud and added the appropriate pods to the coffee maker. “Thank you for bringing all of that here on a holiday and in the cold.”

“The cold isn’t going away anytime soon. Besides, my son is busy playing the new video games he received for Christmas. My husband is in his workshop where he’ll be for hours.” She exhaled. “This is nice.”

I handed her the mug with the hot, vanilla-flavored coffee. “It is.”

We both sipped our coffee before Margaret sighed. “Julia, if you don’t mind me saying, I’m glad you’re here.”

“You are? I wasn’t sure what you or Paula thought about my presence.”

“There are conflicting stories about Donovan around these parts—probably everywhere.”

I nodded. “I was just reading some stories from years ago. Van told me the story, but the news coverage was brutal.”

Margaret sighed. “It’s as they say about it all the time. You can’t believe everything you read or hear.”

“I think that’s why Van originally wanted his memoir written. He wants the truth out.”

“The truth or his truth?” She shook her head. “Regardless, he deserves to tell his side.” She took another drink. “Mr. Sherman is more than what others say about him. He’s been incredibly good to our family. Over the years, he’s stayed rather isolated. I’ve always wondered if he was lonely. This is a big house.”

“It is,” I agreed.

“You don’t need to worry,” she said with a smile. “As far as Mom and I are concerned, you have a cheering section.”

My smile grew. “I like that.”

“We want him to be happy.”