Page 16 of Green Envy (Sin 2)

I nodded. “Me too. Do you want to help me look in all of the bags?”

“If you want me to.”

Together we carried the numerous bags upstairs and toward my suite. It was as we approached the door that I remembered I’d forgotten to make the bed. That wasn’t completely accurate. I rarely made the bed. “The suite may be a bit messy.”

Avoiding the back bedroom, we stayed in the front sitting area, both sitting on the couch, the bags at our feet. As I picked up the first one, Margaret stopped me.

“I appreciate the invitation, I do. However, now that we’re here, I think Donovan should be with you when you do this. After all, he did pick the items out.”

“Don’t let me interrupt.”

We both turned toward the deep voice coming from the open door. Filling the space, wearing his custom suit and looking like he’d stepped off the cover of GQ, Van’s smile was absolutely panty-melting as he eyed me surrounded by all the bags.

“You said no gifts,” I said with a grin.

“Margaret,” Van began, “did you explain that these aren’t gifts?”

“They aren’t?” I asked before she could respond.

“No,” he said. “They’re on loan. If you like them, then we can work out something.”

“Something like what?”

He came closer. “I’m always up for negotiation. I’m sure we can come up with some sort of trade. Let the bartering begin.”

“And that’s my cue.” Margaret stood and smiled our direction. “You know what? I just remembered this thing I needed to do.”

“You don’t need to go,” I said. “And if you do, you’re welcome back.”

Margaret nodded. “We’re cheering, Julia. Remember that. It’s nice to see you, Mr. Sherman.”

Van nodded. “I can’t thank you enough for always coming through.”

“My pleasure.”

“Thank you again. I can show you out,” I offered.

“I know the way,” she said with a grin as she passed through the doorway. “Enjoy the non-gifts.”

Van reached for my hand, encouraging me to stand. We both remained silent as we listened for the sounds of Margaret’s departure. Finally, he spoke, “I didn’t mean to spoil your ladies’ time.”

“You didn’t, but…it was nice.”

He nodded. “I forget that you’re here alone all day. I know you are.” He ran his finger over my cheek. “I have a long way to go, Julia. Speak up. Tell me what you want or what’s missing.”

I looked down at all the bags. “I doubt anything is missing.”

His expression sobered as he gently pushed the sleeve of my sweater upward, revealing the marks left behind by his belt. “Fuck.”

“It’s not as bad as it looks.” Warmth filled my cheeks. “I read online that satin is the most forgiving.”

Van’s eyes widened. “You researched bondage online?”

“I mean, I didn’t use that word. I don’t want those cookies.”

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t. I probably fought it more than I should have.”