Page 57 of Family Plans

“We’ll work it out with Josie. If she’s coming to your place tomorrow anyway, call her and tell her we’re ready to put in an offer. She’ll bring the forms. When do you want to move?”

“If possible before the children start school, which is just before Labor Day.”

“That doesn’t give us much time. We’ll have to put our houses on the market by next week at the latest.”

“Oh my God, I think I’m getting dizzy. There’ll be so much to do.”

“Don’t worry. Everyone will lend a hand. We’ll make it a fun endeavor.”

“When will we tell Mom and the children?”

“Once our offer is approved. We can’t do it earlier; they’d be disappointed if we aren’t successful.”

“You think we may not get it?” Erin’s eyes filled with panic.

“I don’t know. Cross your fingers.”

Chapter Seventeen


The rest of the week went by in a blur for Erin. Josie inspected her house, recommended a listing price, and decided to hold an open house on the coming Saturday. Erin promised that the place would be spotless and appealing. God only knew how.

Meanwhile, sitting at the dining table, Tim filled in the form for an offer. After lengthy discussions, they’d decided to make an offer lower than the asking price by ten percent. Being expensive, the house had been on the market for a month and hadn’t received any offers yet. He attached a deposit check with the offer and gave it to Josie.

“I’ll get back to you tomorrow. They should answer within twenty-four hours with a counteroffer,” she informed them.

Her mind reeling with one supposition after another, Erin hardly slept that night.

“We have a counteroffer,” Josie announced just before Erin left for work at three p.m.

“Meet us at Tim’s house at nine p.m.,” Erin urged, her pulse racing.

Would she get her dream house?

When she returned to Tim’s after her shift, Josie was already there. “They refused your offer and suggested raising it by two percent.”

“What do we do?” Erin looked at Tim, hoping he would agree.

“I suggest we accept. It’s a great price for this house, and we both badly want it. I filled in another form. Read it, and if you agree, sign under my signature.”

She read and signed, her heart bubbling with excitement.

“I’ll fax it to my office, and my counterpart will take it to them to sign if they approve it.”

An hour later, they received a fax. Tim gave it to Josie. She read it and smiled. “Congratulations. They signed and agreed on a closing date for the third Monday of August.”

Her mind spinning with joy and anxiety, Erin met Tim’s gaze, a gaze full of reassurance and tenderness. The tight knot in her stomach slowly relaxed, and she smiled.

Josie shook hands with them. “Now, we need to sell your houses. I’ll be very busy this weekend. We’ll have an open-house at Erin’s house on Saturday and one at Tim’s house on Sunday. The houses must be neat and spotless.” Josie narrowed her eyes on Erin, and added, “No clutter at all. Okay?”

“No problem.” Tim answered cheerfully. Was he dreaming? How on earth could she achieve that miracle with seven children sleeping, eating, and playing in her house?

“Okay,” she muttered in a doleful tone.

Tim squeezed her hand.

“I’ll leave you now. See you on Saturday morning at eight a.m.” Josie gathered her laptop and handbag.