Page 56 of Family Plans

“I’ll tell you when you arrive.”

Ten minutes later, she set the tray with the cups on his countertop and melted into his arms. “So what’s the big deal that makes you so serious?”

“Come. I want to show you a video.” He brought the cappuccinos to the living room and sat on the couch, inviting her to sit next to him. He’d already placed his laptop on the cocktail table and connected it to the TV. “Watch this.” He turned on the TV.

“Wow, that’s my house,” she squealed. “I mean the dream house. When did you take this video?”

He told her about his visit with Josie and his thorough inspection. “It’s a gorgeous house and a great investment.”

“Don’t I know it,” she lamented. “I’m dying to have it, but there’s no way I can buy it.”

“Yes, there is.” He paused for a minute. “I like the house, too, and I made some calculations. We can buy it together.”

“What?” Her eyebrows arched, and her eyes rounded.

“We buy it half and half. I’d love to live in the cottage. It’s perfect, providing I can use the kitchen, laundry room, and other amenities in the house. What would you think of having me for a next-door neighbor? Actually, a very close neighbor.”

“Oh my God, I’d love to, but—”

“Before you start protesting, hear me out. Josie gave me a good estimate on my house. I’ll sell it, and you’ll sell yours. We’ll use the amount we get for them for the down payment and take a mortgage on the rest.”

“It wouldn’t be fair for you to pay half of the price.”

“Why not? I’ll use the first floor, front yard, garage, backyard, pool, and patio. The suite will be my room.”

“Are you serious?” She grabbed his arms, peering into his eyes.

“Very serious.” To convince her he wasn’t joking, he added, “You’ll use the master bedroom. How would you assign the rooms for the kids?”

“Let’s see. David will have his own room. The poor boy has been sleeping in his sisters’ room for several years, and then in his grandmother’s. The twins are moving to their own room. Rachelle and Debbie…” She stopped short. “No, that won’t work. I’m sure Debbie and Brianna will ask me to be roommates.”

“I think so, too. Does it bother you?”

“Not at all. They get along great and help each other. Rachelle and Becky will share the fourth room. Mom will use the first floor suite.”

He grinned and caressed her hair. “See, you got it all figured out.”

“Oh my God, this is too good to be true.” She threw her hands around his neck. “You’re a miracle worker.”

“Not really. I did the math and found out we could work it out. It’d be wonderful to live close by.” He lowered his head and captured her lips for a scorching kiss.

When she freed her mouth, she chuckled. “You said it’s supposed to be a business meeting.”

“It is. We just took a break.”

“Ah, what’s next?”

“You need to ask Josie to give you an estimate on the selling price of your house.”

“I already did. She’s coming tomorrow.”

“Next, we have to make an offer. I plan to bargain down the price.”

Her forehead knitted with worry. “What if they refuse your offer?”

“Before refusing, they’ll counteroffer. We’ll discuss and reach a price acceptable to both parties.”

“Oh dear, I’m glad you’ll handle this with me. I’ve been in the same house for twelve years. I’ve forgotten how it’s done.”