Page 10 of Family Plans

“Yes, I do, big boy. Don’t ever threaten me again.” She shook her head and offered him a maternal smile.

He bent and kissed her cheek. “Yes, ma’am. Thanks for cooking for us. Bye now.”

“Bye, Tim. I’ll call you when the food is ready.”

The next day, he picked up his share of cooked food on his way back from work, and called Teresa right after dinner.

“Teresa dear, I’ll bless your hand from now until my last day. This broccoli and cauliflower with ham and mozzarella is incredible.”

On Saturday, Teresa invited him to share a late lunch at their house, and Erin related her call to the insurance company. “They sent me a form to fill out and said they’ll verify my info and get back to me.”


“Tomorrow is Sunday. I’m off, and I’ll be taking David to his first game. For a change, I’m leaving the others at home.” She chuckled. “I’ll need both hands to clap.”

For the first time since he’d met her, Erin chatted freely, sharing her news as if eager to indulge in a relaxing conversation.

“I’ll join you at the game tomorrow. I want David to have a lot of support.”

“That’d be great, Tim. Drop Brianna here. She’ll be happy to spend the day with her friends.”

“All right. In that case, I’ll drive you and David to the game.” He would spare her the trouble of looking for a place to park.

When David scored his first basket, Tim jumped to his feet screaming. “Good going, Dave.”

At the second basket, Erin screamed louder. For an hour, the ball pounded against the hardwood floor, and the echo bounced around the walls. Near the end of the game, the kids ran from one end of the court to the other. David dribbled, his left arm curved to protect his ball.

“Go, go, go, Dave,” Erin shouted, squeezing Tim’s hand.

David scored.

“Yeah.” They both jumped to their feet.

“They did it. Great job, Dave.” Tim punched the air.

Beaming with excitement, Erin threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her, brushing her lips and keeping an arm around her waist. “Did you see that last basket?”


“Let’s go down to congratulate him.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her down the arena steps, and calledDavewhen they reached the court. The sweaty boy ran toward them. “Did you see it, Mom? Did you see that last one?”

“Fantastic.” Erin wrapped her arm around her happy son.

Tim pulled them both into a huge embrace. “So proud of you, buddy.” He gave him a high five.

“Thank you, Coach Tim. Mom, one of the mothers is inviting the players to lunch at Burger Fi. Can I go?”

“How will you get back?”

David’s mouth drooped. “Can’t you pick me up in an hour?”

Erin frowned, but Tim hastened to add. “Erin, I don’t mind waiting for David at the restaurant next door. Is it okay with you?”

“Mom, say yes, please,” David begged.

“Okay. Have your friend’s mother call me when you’re ready to come home. We’ll be there right away.”

David hugged her, and Tim exhaled, delighted to have her to himself for an hour. They sat at a table in the restaurant next door.