Page 9 of Family Plans

After the children had swallowed their last bites of chocolate cake, Tim helped carry dishes into the kitchen. He reminded Teresa of his offer and thanked her again for the delicious meal.

Brianna and the other children went back outside to play. As he’d promised, Tim spent a couple of hours working on basketball with David. By the time he and Brianna headed home, it was almost five. He stopped at a fast food place along the way and picked up burgers and fries for supper.

At home, he settled with Brianna at the kitchen table and they slowly ate their fast-food. Not the most nutritious meal, but after the exercise and the fresh air, he was surprisingly hungry again. Listening to his daughter babbling about her day, he smiled patiently. When she cleared her plate, stuffing her last fries in her mouth, he glanced at his watch.

“Are you done, pumpkin? You must be exhausted after such a long day with your friends. Go brush your teeth and change into you pjs. Call me when you’re about ready to go to sleep.”

He couldn’t wait to be alone to seek out the privacy of his room and analyze his chaotic thoughts.

At the bar, he poured himself a scotch on the rocks, then grabbed the frame with Annette’s picture from the living room credenza, and slowly climbed the stairs. He changed into his night shorts and a t-shirt and lounged on his bed.

The frame in one hand and his drink in the other, he slowly sipped, his gaze never wavering from the laughing face of his cheerful wife. “I don’t know what happened, Anny. You know you’re my one and only love forever.”

Had hereallybeen tempted to kiss Erin? His blood raced as he remembered his strong urge to press her against him, to kiss her sweet mouth …

Had shereallyexperienced the same surge of desire?

He recalled her wide-open eyes so easy to read, the redness of her cheeks, the warmth of her breath so close to his face …

Maybe he’d just mistaken the two-second silent exchange. And yet…

Oh damn. He’d hardened again at the thought of the lovely nurse who might have wanted to kiss him.

Huffing, he swallowed his scotch in one mouthful. He’d been celibate way too long—even before the plane crash. For two months before her death, Annette had avoided sleeping with him, claiming a succession of ailments, tiredness, headaches, stomach pain, Brianna needing her… He’d given up and had blamed himself for being too pushy.

Too depressed to think clearly, he stifled an urge to cry and padded to his daughter’s room. She was already asleep with the lights still on. He switched them off, stopped by the bar for a refill, and swallowed it, and then returned to his room to collapse onto his bed.

The following Monday, Teresa texted him a long list that restored his cheerful mood. Thanks to the older woman, he and Brianna would eat delicious meals from now on.

After dropping his daughter at school, he allowed himself an hour for grocery shopping. In addition to the required ingredients, he bought two coolers on wheels, two insulated food carrier bags, and several Pyrex food storage containers.

He drove to Erin’s house to deliver the goods.

“Erin went back to sleep to make up for last night’s long shift,” Teresa informed him.

A sigh of relief escaped him. He wouldn’t have to face her yet.

“Don’t wake her up.” Hopefully, by next Saturday, both would have forgotten the awkward moment. He showed Teresa the content of his shopping bags. “Here are the things on your list. I hope I got them right. And here are the containers to store the food. I have to go to the office now. Bye.”

“Wait, Tim. I’d like to pay for part of it, at least.”

“No way. If you pay for the ingredients I’ll have to pay for your cooking which is way more expensive.”


“No buts, Teresa. You’re helping me save on eating out every night. Do you know how expensive restaurants are?”

“Erin will never accept this.”

“I count on you to explain to her that you’re helping protect my health and save my money. If you or Erin don’t like my deal, then I’ll go back to eating out, and I’ll stop coming by on Saturdays.”

“Come on, Tim. You can’t do that. We’re too used to having you around.”

“Then you’ll accept my terms.” He patted her shoulder with a good-humored grin. “And don’t forget to prepare the list for next week.”

She wagged her finger under his nose. “You’re an autocratic, spoiled lawyer, Tim Kent.”

“Maybe, but I bet you love me as I am, Teresa.” He winked at her.