Page 38 of Family Plans

“How can I help you?”

“I’ve just collected an insurance check and would like to deposit it into a savings account.”

He opened an account for her. “If you put it into a certificate of deposit for a year, you can make two percent interest.”

Tim stepped over to them. “Congratulations. So happy you got it.”

“Thanks. The manager is suggesting a certificate for a year. What if I want to buy a house sooner?”

“Don’t block your money. As you say, you may need it for a house or a car.”

“All right. So I’ll just put it into the savings account.”

She took her receipt, hid it in her purse, and thanked the manager.

“Tim-tim,” the twins squealed as they realized their big friend had come.

Tim hugged Becky and collected the boys in his arms. “I’m so glad it worked well today and you got your check.”

“It wasn’t easy.” She described what had happened.

He laughed and hugged her. “At least it ended well. Let me take you to a restaurant to celebrate. If you don’t mind, I’ll drive. You can relax for a change.”

After buckling the children into their seats, he opened the passenger door for her and jumped into her van, leaving his car in the parking lot. He drove to a near-by fast food place where the small children would be comfortable. After they secured the children in high chairs, Tim ordered burgers for everyone.

Once they’d finished their meal, and the kids worked laboriously on their fries, Erin looked at him. “Tim, there’s something that puzzles me.” She fiddled with her napkin, nervousness gnawing at her insides.

His eyebrows shot up. “What is it?”

“I heard Gary saying to the CFO, ‘Mr. Malcolm said his lawyer Tim Kent was going to collect it for him’. Do you know why Gary said that?”

Tim held her gaze without hesitation. “Yesterday, I accepted a new client, Russell Malcolm. He mentioned that Ben Perkins never delivered an order that Russell had already paid for. He asked me to go after the money.”

“You, Tim? You’re going to take my money?”No, God, please no. Anyone could betray her, but not Tim, who’d been at her side at the worst moments, helping her, supporting her, saving her.

“Never. Before accepting him as a client, I warned him I knew you well and would never take your badly needed money to add to his bank account. He accepted my conditions, but I guess he’d already told Gary weeks ago before I even met him, that his lawyer would deal with him. Don’t worry about him.”

“How can I ignore this accusation? Tim, do you think Ben put himself in an illegal situation?”

“I don’t know, Erin. Anyway, it isn’t your problem.”

“Seriously? Ben was my husband.”

“Relax. You just received your check. Start thinking about how to use it wisely for your family’s benefit.”

Finally, she smiled. “Thank you, Tim. Once more you’ve helped me. I want to sell my house and buy a larger one.”

“Great idea.” He squeezed her hand and brought it to his lips. “I want to see you smiling more often. I’ll come around five to work with the children. Unfortunately, I have to get back to the office.”


Russell called Tim just as he was getting ready to leave his office. “Hey, Tim, I heard that the widow Perkins collected her life insurance money this morning.”

“It’s her right. You have good spies.”

“I’d like to meet this woman. Bring her to my house.”

“Forget it. She’s too busy between her long shifts at the hospital and her six kids to take care of.”