Page 39 of Family Plans

“Tim, I can see you’re protecting her, butIwant to evaluate her. She may know something about her husband’s dubious arrangements.”

“She doesn’t. I can take you to her house if you promise you won’t offend her with accusations.”

Russell snickered. “Would it reassure you if I promise to behave?”

“Yes, sir. I trust you. I’ll tell her mother I’ll bring a guest on Saturday for lunch. She’s an excellent cook. You’ll enjoy a great home-cooked meal.”

“Next Saturday it is.” Russell’s voice cheered up. “I hope she makes lasagna. It’s my favorite. Thank you, Tim.”

Tim disconnected the call and released an exasperated sigh. He had complete faith in Erin. She had nothing to hide, but she might resent him for bringing the enemy into her house. Russell was not a man who would give up easily, but if he met Erin and her adorable brood, he might stop suspecting her of cooperating with her late husband.

In the evening, he saw her for only a few minutes while she ate a quick dinner. “I’d better run.” She stood, plate in hand, and carried it to the sink.

He walked her to her car and gathered her into his arms for a long kiss. “A belated congratulations,” he said, pressing her against him and inhaling the refreshing scent of her skin and her lotion. “Enjoy your work, and when you have time, make happy plans.”

“I will.” Her arms encircling his neck, she offered him a radiant smile that he couldn’t resist as he indulged in a passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with hers.

“You’d better go, or you’ll be really late.”

She laughed and climbed into her van.

After dinner, the kids cleared the table and settled around it. Tim checked the children’s work and sat with them to review the theory, ask or answer questions, and assign problems.

By eight o’clock, he called it a night. “We’ll continue tomorrow. Start on your English before I come. We’ll work on math together.”

The following day, Tim visited Russell’s accountant during his lunchtime. Jonathan Albertson showed him the boss’s revenues from various deals. Tim verified the business ventures, all legal and perfectly in order, except for the deal with Ben Perkins. Russell was even wealthier than Tim had first thought.

“Will you look into this unfinished business?” Jonathan pointed to the Perkins agreement.

“Yes, Russell and I will take care of it. Don’t worry.” He hoped the accountant wouldn’t take it upon himself to call thePerkins widowas he’d referred to Erin.

After a full day in the office, Tim drove to the Perkins’s home and shared dinner with the family, sitting between Ethan and Nathan. Later, he tutored the three older children and Brianna who’d ridden the bus from school with the other children in the afternoon and had returned home with him that night.

Tim’s whole week proceeded with the same perfect routine—a simple family life he enjoyed tremendously, especially when he managed to keep his pupils busy with a quiz and follow Erin to the garage, gathering her in his arms for a long passionate kiss.

Not wanting her to worry during her late shifts, Tim hadn’t had the courage to tell her about Russell’s demand to visit her.

Friday, he called his client and postponed the visit to the following Saturday. “The children have exams next week. Their mother will be too busy working with them the weekend before their finals.”

“Are you playing games with me?” Russell’s tone indicated his frustration.

“No, sir. Try to remember that you were a school kid once. The beginning of June means exam week. I promise to take you to her house next week.”

On Sunday night, after dinner, he sent the kids to play in the living room and spoke to Teresa. “Would you mind if I bring a guest for lunch next Saturday?”

“Not at all. Bring as many as you want.”

“Which guest is it?” Erin chimed in. “Do we know him?”

“No, but he’d like to meet you. He’s my new client, Russell Malcolm.”

“Russ …” His answer seemed to jab her right in the stomach, and her sweet smile morphed into an angry grimace. “Are you crazy? You want to bring the man who’d tried to snatch my insurance money here?”

“Calm down. I’m sure once he meets you, he’ll realize you were never involved in any dirty business.”

Her deep blue eyes glinted with anger. “He’s accusing my husband. Do you think I’ll open my door to such a jerk?”

“Accusing of what?” Teresa asked.