Page 129 of A New Dawn

The first real smile in weeks creeps over my face. “Shall we bring Signora Bannaghan in for questioning?”

I rub my chin for a moment, thinking. “No. Rhia would never betray her. And the methods we would have to use to get the information wouldn’t be pretty. Ella would never forgive me if I hurt a single hair on her best friend. Plus, it might alert her, if she didn’t talk to Rhia as usual, and she might go on the run again. We can’t risk it.” Mateo nods in agreement.

“Then there’s also her boyfriend,” he adds. “He keeps tabs on his girl too.”

Any self-respecting man should; protecting one’s woman should always be a priority.

“We need to get a hold of that phone just long enough to get its number and call history. And Rhia can’t know. And also send extra guys to Dublin to keep an eye on her at all times.”

I underestimated how close the two girls really were. I should have known Ella would find a way to get in touch with her best friend.

“I had a dream last night that we were being deceived. I think Rhia and her boyfriend are helping Ella stay hidden. Alexander Dougal certainly has the means working for Freemont. They’re obviously in on this.”

“What do you want to do?” Mateo asks.

Instead of answering, I pick up the phone and dial Uberto who answers after a few rings. “Boss?”

“Freemont is playing us. They know where Ella is. Dig deeper. Find out who’s looking after her case and monitor them. Get in touch with our contacts in the States and have them dig. Find her.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Timeflieswhenyou’rehaving fun. And, for a change, I’m having lots; especially in the horizontal department. Though, I’m often not horizontal at all. Ade and I have developed wall-fucking to a new art. Largely because we’re too impatient to make it to the bed.

It’s now the first weekend in November; the days are getting noticeably shorter and the weather is turning decidedly cold.

It’s been a little over three weeks since I hugged Rhia goodbye. As expected, it was hard to let her go. Even though we talk every day and she’ll be back in a few weeks for another visit, it’s just not the same. Short of her moving to Georgia, it’s unlikely we’ll ever get back what we once had. While a fugitive, I cannot return to Dublin. And even if one day my circumstances change, would I move back now that I have Aiden? I can’t see it happening.

Still, I think of Tiero every day. How could I not when every morning I put on my Riley James face? According to the guys, Tiero is still on the wild European goose chase they’re diligently leading. Could I really have gotten away with it?

It almost seems too easy. But I can’t become complacent and relax. The stakes are now higher than ever with Ade, his family, and friends being a fixture in my life.

A couple of weekends ago, I met Ade’s family for the first time. It was a formal family dinner, and I was so nervous to meet everyone but I needn’t have been. As Ade hadn’t brought a girl home since high school, everyone seemed keen to meet me.

Aiden’s sisters, Pam and Ruby, are a hoot. At first they eyed me suspiciously and asked me a ton of questions as if I was a gold digger. Aiden tried to stop their interrogation, but I shooed him away to play with the kids, wanting to win them over on my own. Thankfully, I’ve had plenty of practice with Rhia’s grand inquisitions. So it wasn’t long before they were sharing all their embarrassing childhood memories of Aiden.

And Sue, Ade’s mom… she’s wonderful. And after only one afternoon together, she seems to have adopted me as a third daughter. I’ve spoken to her already a few times without Ade around, and we went out for lunch together when she was in Atlanta last week. Having her welcome me so open-heartedly has cemented my sense of belonging here in my adopted country.

There’s an ease and flow between Ade and I now that seems so natural. It’s like we’ve been together forever. I pinch myself often to make sure this isn’t just a dream.

It’s been precisely four weeks yesterday since I told Ade I was all in. We celebrated this little milestone appropriately. Let’s just say, I’m still wonderfully sore.

Like every Sunday afternoon so far, we’re at the Little Dove brewery, spending time with Ade’s gang. I’m snuggled up tight against him, his arm around my front, his nose in my hair as we listen to the banter between Ethan and Garrett.

“Are you guys heading back to Atlanta tonight or in the morning?” Miranda asks me from across the table. “I found this fabulous blouse for you the other day, but I forgot to bring it. I can drop it off at Ade’s place later or bring it next week when we have lunch.”

Having a personal shopper as a friend is turning out to be one of the best things about having moved to the other side of the world.

Whenever Miranda sees anything she thinks would look good on her friends she grabs it. At this rate, I will never have to go clothes shopping again, and I couldn’t be happier about it. I have lunch with her and Marni every Wednesday. So, bit by bit, I’m settling into my new life here… one I very much like. It would all be perfect if only Rhia was here too… and if I didn’t have the Tiero and what-will-happen-when-he-finds-me cloud hanging over my head.

“We’re staying the night and head to Atlanta in the morning,” I tell Miranda.

Ade and I have fallen into a routine where we stay at my apartment during the week. But come Friday, we head north to Ade’s place to spend the weekend hiking and exploring—and not just nature, wink wink.

“You better give the blouse to Riles when you guys have lunch,” Ade pipes in. “I’ve got plans for her tonight.” My cheeks turn red at the thought of what those plans might be. Pulses of excitement roll through me in waves—I can’t wait.

“Can we go home now?” I whisper into his ear and bite his lobe before licking the sting away. Ade’s hold on me tightens and he drops his head to kiss down my neck until he reaches the junction with my shoulders. Early on, he discovered the sensitive spot there that drives me crazy when he nibbles and sucks on it. I’m wearing a lot of scarfs these days to cover up the hickeys he leaves.