Page 130 of A New Dawn

“Oh, come on, guys,” Ethan groans. “Yeah, don’t get started now,” Axel agrees. “Or you’ll disappear on us again.” That’s what happened last week. Ade and I got a little carried away, and he rushed me off to the little room upstairs.

“I can’t wait for their fifth anniversary. By then they should have cooled down,” Garrett says, and I look pointedly at him. He and Miranda have been together that long and there seems to be no cooling those two down. Not fifteen minutes ago on my way to the toilet, I saw them making out in a corner like teenagers.

“Well as none of you want to see this, I shall take my girl home. See you all later,” Ade says, grinning before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder caveman-style. I pummel his back but that only earns me a playful slap on my bum. So I wave goodbye to our friends from my upside down position.

Ade carefully deposits me in his car, kissing me tenderly before closing the door. On the way home, he seems a little nervous, tapping the steering wheel a little too much. I wonder what he’s got planned for me tonight. Does he think I might not like it? Fat chance of that. So far I’ve loved everything he’s been doing to me, because true to his word, he takes over when it comes to sex.

“I have to go to Alaska on Tuesday,” he tells me. I turn to him, surprised.

“What? How come you haven’t told me about it? How long will you be gone for?” I ask, a little taken aback. We haven’t been apart since his trip to Chicago, and that was only bearable because I had Rhia here.

“We,” Ade corrects me. “How long will we be gone for… until Monday. I haven’t told you about it because I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Well, he succeeded with that. “Seriously?!” I’m clapping my hands together; I’m giddy as hell. “I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska and see the Northern Lights. Please tell me November isn’t too early for that,” I say, bouncing in my seat. Ade’s face is beaming; he gets such a kick from seeing me happy.

“The best time to see them is November through to January. So we’re good,” he says.

“Is that why you’re taking me there? What about work?”

“I’ve cleared it with Gary. And the Northern Lights aren’t the only reason we’re going. I have a meeting with a client after we land, but the rest of the time is just for us. There’s also a lunar eclipse happening on Thursday and I found the perfect place to watch it from.”

“Oh? Tell me more,” I say, excited.

“I found a little house by the water. It should give us uninterrupted views of the skies. With any luck, and if the weather is clear, we’ll see the aurora and the eclipse.”

“Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing.” Then something occurs to me. “They have bears there, right?”

“Yeah, grizzly bears and black bears. Why? Are you worried about a bear attack?”

“Not as such but what if I sit on a cub?”

That makes Ade laugh out loud. “Highly unlikely. But if you do, I’ll come to your rescue.”

He would too, because he would never let anything happen to me. He’s a protector by nature, and I’m one hell of a lucky girl to have him.

As soon as Ade parks the car, I climb onto his lap and pepper his face with kisses. “This is the best surprise. Thank you. You spoil me.”

Ade doesn’t respond but gets out of the car with me still attached to him and carries me into the house, where he spoils me some more.

It’s Tuesday morning. I’m comfortable lounging on a leather sofa, watching a movie on the Freemont jet. I’d much rather be in the bedroom at the back of the plane, getting inducted into the mile high club, but that’s not to be. We’re traveling with two of Aiden’s underlings and he has to uphold an image of respectability. Thankfully, though, they won’t be with us after today.

The three of them are currently gathered around a table, going through the details of their presentation to win a new and rather large account to provide training for yet another security company. Their meeting will be this afternoon once we land in Anchorage. We’ll spend the night there, and in the morning we’ll fly to Fairbanks, have lunch there, and then take a boat to a little island to watch the eclipse and hopefully, see the aurora borealis.

I wish we could spend more time in Alaska, do a road trip for a couple of weeks. But November is not the best time of year for it with only a little over seven hours of daylight and freezing cold temperatures. I actually had to go shopping yesterday to stock up on warm clothes, but I had Miranda with me, which made it fun.

Perhaps we can come back in the summer, rent a RV, and go off exploring. I giggle at myself… a RV. In my mind it’s something that old people do, but with Aiden I can definitely see the appeal of always having a bed handy.

Making love amongst beautiful scenery… I’m so on board with that. Though, I’m not sure how much I’d take in the view; my surroundings are usually lost on me once Ade gets started. What a delicious thought, though. I glance over at my man, and let out a longing sigh… Yep, I so want him again. Never mind that I began the day with multiple orgasms.

An idea pops into my head. Ade has organized everything about this trip, but he said we’d wing lunch. I pull out my phone and search for microbreweries in Fairbanks. I want to surprise him with something and he always wants to discover new craft beers.

Wow. Just how many are there?! The list is long, and I go through each listing until I find one that has an attached restaurant and a good write-up. Oh, he’ll like that. I smile to myself.

That sorted, I turn my attention back to the movie but my eyes soon feel heavy and I happily snooze.

The sun is already going down when we reach the lake house the next day, and it’s only four o’clock in the afternoon. I’m rugged up to the nines because it was an open boat trip to the island and the temperature plummeted with the setting sun.

The scenery is spectacular, so my icy nose was forgotten at least for a little while. Ade’s heated stares might have also helped keep me warm.