Page 10 of A New Dawn

Is that even possible?

Apparently so.

I shake my head in disbelief as my brain is overwhelmed contemplating all of this.

Aiden works for Gary, which must mean he’s a good man, right? But then again, he might not be.

With Tiero there were warning bells that I ignored. There are none this time. This is different… more like a lifelong quest has finally come to an end.

No, that can’t be right. The timing is all wrong.

I’ve got enough on my plate. I don’t need to throw another someone into the mix of chaos that is my life and complicate things further.

Walls up, Ella. Walls up.

And I love Tiero. I might not want to be with him, but it doesn’t diminish my feelings for him. How can I even contemplate another man? That’s so wrong!

I dare another glance. His eyes are still on me, and I blush furiously, heat rushing through me.

A slow, sexy smile spreads over his handsome face. “Do you know that when you blush, the lining of your stomach turns red as well?”

“Huh?” I stare at him, perplexed. The deep timbre of his voice is creating a series of vibrations skating through my body. My nipples pebble. Oh god, no. Why do I have such an unruly body?

“Have you got x-ray vision?”

He laughs, and the sound is warm and welcoming and not helping my equilibrium in the slightest. It stirs the heat I don’t want to be there. I fidget with my fingers, desperately needing an outlet for my anxiety.

“As we get to know each other better, you’ll discover I like random facts of life,” Aiden says cheekily.

I widen my eyes. My curiosity is raised, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him to tell me more. This is right up my alley, but I bite my lip to keep quiet and stare out the window instead. It’s rude, but I don’t want to encourage more conversation.

When we get to know each other better…yeah, not going to happen.

This man could be dangerous to my heart.

I can’t risk it.

Not now,not ever.

Thankfully, the helicopter ride only lasts fifteen minutes, and I’m more than happy to step onto the tarmac and away from the delicious scent of Aiden Burg.

His presence unnerves me, the butterflies in my stomach going viral.

I’m trying hard to convince myself that my body is just confused. There must be something about Aiden that reminds me of Tiero. I totally ignore the fact that I reacted that way well before even seeing him.

Perhaps I sensed something in his aura? Does that make sense?

Who cares because I don’t want to examine it further. I just want him to go away.

Why, oh why, wasn’t it Marni who picked me up? Now I’m going to be stuck with him for hours on a small airplane.

Great, just great.

Despite my best efforts to quieten my mind, I keep contemplating how these two men could be alike. It’s a short list so far because Aiden seems very different from Tiero.

In fact, there’s only one item on the list. One suspicion that Aiden must be a domineering jerk too. He probably wants everyone to follow orders and manipulates and cajoles to get his way.

Though, in my heart of hearts, I know that’s not true.