Page 11 of A New Dawn

I’m saved from further overthinking this when we enter the airport building. Aiden hands me a duffel bag I hadn’t noticed he was carrying. “Gary sent this alongside your new passport. He said to try your best to look like you do in the photo.”

That gets my attention.

Oh no. Is Aiden aware of my real identity? How much has Gary told him?

He’s not stupid. He would have worked out that Riley isn’t my real name.

Shit, how many people know?

The panic must be written all over my face, because Aiden steps closer and speaks quietly in to my ear so I’m the only one who can hear, “Don’t worry. Gary hasn’t told me anything.”

Is he a mind reader now too? It’s uncanny how he seems to know what’s going on with me.

“And even if he had,” Aiden continues in a hushed voice, “your story would be safe with me.”

My heart is beating out of my chest. Him just hinting at knowing I’m not Riley James has me on high alert.

Worst-case scenarios are firing off in my head. I’m aware it’s completely irrational, but I can’t help it.

What if Aiden works for Tiero? Perhaps he tasked Freemont Security to find me and the whole Lex connection is just a coincidence and perfect for them to hide their real intentions. Everyone working for Freemont has been so nice to me. What if it’s all a ploy? But then they could have handed me over in Switzerland. Maybe Tiero only hired them after I left.

Or what if Aiden is going rogue? Tiero might have offered him stacks of money to deliver me… who could refuse a few millions for such an easy job?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

What if this plane takes me to Sicily and not Atlanta?

I’m ready to take off running when Aiden raises his hand as if surrendering. I study his face, and he seems genuinely surprised by my reaction. Perhaps he doesn’t know anything after all. That or he’s a damn fine actor.

I’m probably overreacting. I let out a long breath, feeling like an idiot.

Then I remember speaking with Gary. He said he trusts Aiden with his life. He wouldn’t lie to me, would he?

“Why don’t you get changed,” Aiden suggests. “There are bathrooms just over there.” He points to a door behind me, and I reluctantly turn in the direction he indicated. My head is spinning again. I hate that I’m putting my little peanut through so much stress.

“I’m really sorry, little one. Mummy is trying,” I whisper to my stomach.

I enter a spacious bathroom that has toilets on one side and some showers and changing rooms on the other. The perks of flying privately obviously extend to the amenities.

I enter one of the large cubicles and lock the door behind me. Putting the bag onto a bench, I open it. My new passport is the first thing that greets me. I pick it up and open it on the photo page. A stranger stares back at me.

Who are you, Riley James?

And now I have to be her. Miranda and I practiced Riley’s look only once, thinking we had time to perfect it the next day. But that didn’t happen with Mauro’s arrival in Lucerne.

That one time was enough to take the picture for my new passport, but can I reproduce it? Only one way to find out.

Rummaging through the bag, I find everything I need to transform myself into Riley, along with a letter from Miranda. It puts the first genuine smile on my face today. Eagerly, I open it. I can picture her excited face and hear her voice in my head as I read her instructions. Bless her. It will be fun to get to know her more.

An hour later, I walk out of the bathroom. My hair is naturally wavy again, making it appear shorter than before. I run my hand through it. Even more than two weeks after cutting it off, I’m still not used to this length. Well, at least I won’t have to bother anymore straightening it to within an inch of its life every morning.

And it’s a lot less maintenance. I need less shampoo and less products in general… I’m trying hard to find the positive aspects of my shorter locks, but it’s a struggle. I do really miss my long hair.

Riley’s makeup looks more natural than Ash’s, but it still took me ages to apply it. My cheekbones are now highlighted in a way that lengthens my face and my eye makeup makes them appear farther apart. The color of the contact lenses has also changed, and I now have stunningly green eyes.

Miranda packed a long skirt and blouse combo, making me look all innocent and sweet. Once upon a time, that might have been true, but I lost it the day I met Tiero.

God, there I go thinking of him again. I need to let him go!