Page 74 of A New Dawn

I forget how to breathe for a moment and have to grab the kitchen counter for balance.

Aiden chuckles. He so knows what he’s doing. “Everything okay?” he asks.

“Fine,” I squeak.

Really?! I’m now losing my voice?

I go around the kitchen island, avoiding looking at him, and climb onto one of the barstools.

“Smells good,” I say, still sounding a little wobbly. Do I really have to pull out Opposite Ella again to make it through the morning? Dorky me really doesn’t make the cut.

Aiden plates our food, and we eat in silence. And strangely, it’s not uncomfortable. Neither is the trip to Ellijay shortly thereafter.

Before we left the apartment, Aiden suggested I pack a bag, inviting me to stay in his guest room overnight.

That’s a hell no. Not going to happen.

I’m not sure I’m that strong. And God only knows if he is.

I’m sure as hell not going to find out.

Thankfully, Gary offered to take me back to Marietta after the party when I talked with him yesterday. That’s a much better option.

Plus, later tonight I really ought to unpack for my first day at work tomorrow.

I’m a nervous wreck about it. My only experience is with service dogs. I know nothing about training military and K-9 unit working dogs, but I’m a fast learner and working with dogs makes any day better.

And more importantly, I will not be thinking of a certain handsome, tall, muscular, sweet as sin, blond ex-special forces god of a man.

Wish me luck.

“Hey, Angel. Will you stop hogging Riley and bring her to the dance floor?” Miranda calls out from her spot in the corner where she and Garrett and a number of other people have been dancing up a storm. I’ve been introduced to all of them, but I’ve given up trying to remember everyone’s name.

It’s early evening and I’ve been at the twins’ birthday bash for hours. We’re at the Little Dove, the brewery Aiden and his friends own. The air is lively with music, laughter, and jovial banter. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.

After the anxiety of the last month of being kidnapped and trying to escape and then the constant looking over my shoulder… this is so normal.

Ridiculously normal.

It’s what ordinary people do.I didn’t believe I could ever have that again.

The celebration kicked off with barbecue lunch for a small group of the twins’ closest friends and then four hours later, more and more people trickled in.

Alcohol is flowing, but nobody is drinking in excess. Of course, the Little Dove’s home brew is served. To my surprise, they have a great variety, and Aiden proudly brought me a bottle of dark stout.

It made me smile he remembered my favorite kind of beer. It’s full of flavor and might just become my new favorite stout.

I finally met Marni, the woman who was meant to pick me up in Halifax but got delayed on a job. As I’m only working three days with the dogs, I’ll be spending the remaining two days with her in the office. She’s a Latino beauty about my age, with a dry sense of humor. She and I will get along just fine, and I get the sense we’ll become good friends.

I can’t help but compare this birthday party with the last one I went to with Tiero. It was formal and rigid by comparison. It was the evening I met Sophia. God, I was so stupid to trust her. Everybody seemed to have an agenda… from being nice to me because I’m the boss’s girl to further their standing in Tiero’s crime empire, to kidnapping me to gain leverage.

I was nothing more than a pawn in people’s games. Here, nobody cares who I am. They seemingly like me for me.

Here, I’m my own person, not belonging to anybody. Though, having said that, people are starting to throw curious glances my way. Why? Probably because Aiden hasn’t left my side despite me telling him I don’t need a babysitter.

His reply, “I’m not spending time with you because I feel you need looking after. I’m next to you because I enjoy your company. You make me laugh and I have a good time.”

Well, a girl can’t argue with that. In fact, said girl is swooning just a little. And yes, I have made him laugh with my animal sitting sagas. How could he not laugh at that?