I was so close to being caught. How would Aiden have reacted?
He probably would have opened the shower door and invited me in. And I’m not sure I would have resisted.
I draw in a deep breath as I’m trying to collect my wits. But yeah, I’ve got nothing… least of all any resolve to stay away from Aiden Burg.
As I take a cold shower to cool my arousal, I deliberate on whether I should stay home or go to this party. We’re set to leave after breakfast to join an early lunch celebration before the actual party kicks off later this afternoon.
I’m not sure I can face Aiden after what I just witnessed. How can I look him in the eye again, knowing what he looks like underneath his clothes? After watching him jerk off? My insides heat up despite the cold water hitting my body. I put my head under the icy water in the hope it will freeze out these thoughts.
No such luck.
Does he know I watched him? Did he put on that show for me?
I guess his reaction on seeing me will tell me, but then my reaction will be a dead giveaway to him.
I can’t ride in the car with him for a full hour. That would be torture. Not with my attraction to him set on high. How can I dial it down?
But I want to see Miranda and the others. And Gary and Helen will be there too. He rang yesterday afternoon to check in on me. He truly is lovely. But so was Tiero when I first met him.
But you didn’t feel at ease with Tiero, my conscience reminds me. It certainly isn’t the case this time. My gut is giving me the thumbs up to trust these people.
Whatever my emotions may be, I need to find my footing here in Atlanta on my own. Relying on anyone is risky. Not only for myself, but for them as well.
Tiero is hellbent on finding me; he will never give up. It’s not in his nature. And he won’t be lenient… with me or anyone helping me, especially if I let them get close.
I wash my hair in slow motion, trying to lengthen this shower. I wish I had my long hair back; it would take much longer to shampoo and condition.
How can I possibly go out there pretending nothing happened? I lack a poker face.
I’ve been in this shower for half an hour and still haven’t turned the water temperature up. I’m shivering and really can’t procrastinate any longer. Time to face the music.
When I leave my bedroom, the smell of bacon and eggs greets me. Aiden is busy in the kitchen, an apron wrapped around his waist. It brings a smile to my face.
He’s so domestic. I could never imagine Tiero in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Even on the island, all meals were pre-prepared, or I was cooking. He has someone for everything. I wonder what would happen if he was left to his own devices. Would he even know how to do basic things?
The man in my kitchen doesn’t have that problem. His movements are fluent and assured. He’s done this many times. My stomach churns at the thought of him having cooked breakfast for other women before me.
Bloody hell, am I jealous? I need to stop this and get it in my head that Aiden is off-limits for so many reasons.
Ireallydon’t need more heartache, and besides that, I’m working with the man. If anything was to go wrong, I’d be the one having to look for a new job, a new apartment… and a new everything in a country that’s not my own. It’s not worth the risk of getting entangled with him.
But your heart is already entangled, that annoying little voice is quick to pipe in.
Oh, shut up.Who asked you?
Too many things could go wrong, and I really need them to go right for a change.
Yeah… our working together is an excellent reason. I need to focus on that one because clearly the potential heartbreak isn’t deterrent enough. Having my entire livelihood threatened for a second time, though, definitely is.
Reinforcing the energetic walls around me and putting on my big girl panties, I enter the kitchen.
“Thank you for making breakfast,” I say, making sure to keep my distance from him.
Aiden turns and greets me with a panty-melting smile, his dark chocolate-brown eyes twinkling.
Damn. First dent in my newly built wall.