Page 40 of A New Dawn

“Maybe don’t tell him right away?” Rhia suggests.

“I don’t have the luxury of time. Aiden was telling me about my training program and some of it sounds intense. I can’t do that while I’m pregnant. I won’t risk it.”

“Who’s Aiden?” Rhia asks.

Heat immediately colors my cheeks, and I rub my neck.

“And why are you blushing?”

“How do you know? You can’t see me!”

“Duh, I’ve known you for how long?! The tone of your voice changed. Something has freaked you out. What is it?”

“Has living with Lex the super spy rubbed off on you? You’ve become even more observant.”

“Ha, maybe. Spill. What’s going on?”

I puff air into my cheeks and let it out slowly. Aiden’s face comes to mind, his warm, dark eyes… their depth sucking me in. My heart tumbles, my pulse speeding up.

“El, just tell me,” Rhia urges.

“I think I’m in even more trouble.”

“Other than running from Tiero and carrying the heir to his empire? How could you top that?” She’s trying to inject some humor, but the tension in her voice is obvious.

“When I arrived in Halifax, I was convinced Tiero had found me.”

“What?! But he’s still in Europe.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Good point.”

“Remember how I told you I could always tell when Tiero was near because I could feel him?”


“Well, my body had that reaction. And it was stronger than before.”

There’s not a peep from the other end of the line. I check the screen to see if we’ve been disconnected. Eventually Rhia finds her voice again. She’s rarely lost for words. “I don’t understand.”

“It wasn’t Tiero.”

“It was this Aiden guy?”

“Yes. His full name is Aiden Burg. He works for Gary and came to pick me up to take me to Atlanta. And, oh, Rhia, he’s so freaking hot with the kindest brown eyes. And he’s funny and seems so nice… like really, really nice.”

“But you thought he was Tiero because your body went haywire?”

“Yes. I’m confused as hell. How can I be reacting like that with two guys?”

“And you’re sure he’s not like Tiero? Could that be the reason you reacted the same way?”

“That’s what I thought too. But he gives off a completely different vibe. He’s funny and caring and… I don’t know how to best describe him. Remember Tiero made me want to run right from the start? Aiden doesn’t. Quite the opposite, actually. Do you think it’s the pregnancy hormones?”

“No. It sounds more like Aiden Burg is your new love interest,” Rhia says matter-of-factly.

“Don’t say that! A new love interest is the last thing I need.”