Page 41 of A New Dawn

Rhia ignores my objection, as usual, and asks instead, “How did he react to you?”

“He was overly attentive. Even bought me licorice tea for the flight to Atlanta because he saw me drinking a cup at the resort in Halifax. He asked me out.”

“Ooh la la. What did you say?” she asks excitedly.

I don’t reply; it’s answer enough for Rhia.

“Oh, why, El? You could do with the distraction.”

“May I remind you that the last time I listened to your advice on my love life, it got me into this mess? And before you start feeling guilty about it all over again, remember it was my decision to take your advice.”

“Fair point. Listen to your gut then.”

God, I can’t do that either. Because my gut is giving the thumbs up. And of course, Rhia is picking up on it.

“What exactly is your gut telling you?”

“It’s not important because my head and heart are not agreeing with each other. I can’t be attracted to another guy the same way I was with Tiero. Despite everything, I love him. I might not be able to be with him with a clear conscience, but I’m not a floozy, jumping from one guy to the next!”

“Sorry to point out the obvious, but you left Tiero, and for good reasons. You need to move on with your life. I’m not saying jump into bed with this guy. But where is the harm in getting to know him better?”

“Rhia, I have enough on my plate. I don’t need more complications. I have a baby to think of, a new life to build… a new relationship is the last thing on my mind.”

“I’d feel happier knowing you had someone looking after you.”

“I don’t need a man to look after me.”

“El, I’m not saying you can’t do this on your own. You’ve proven how strong you are, especially in the last few weeks. But I don’t want you to have to face everything alone while I can’t be there with you.”

“Oh Rhi.” I let out a long breath. “I do like him,” I confess. “How can I like him so much when we’ve only just met? It’s insane.”

“When you know, you know. Isn’t that what you said to me about Lex?”

I stay silent, hating that my own words are used against me.

“He’s taken me by complete surprise. I’m praying to God and the universe that he turns out to be a jerk. I can’t lose my heart again like I did with Tiero. The pain would be too much. Having peanut grow inside me has helped pull me through this darkness. But at times the pain was debilitating. I don’t want to feel that way ever again. I’d rather die an old spinster.”

“Well, technically, you wouldn’t be a spinster if you had a child,” Rhia points out.

“Anyway, I’m not going to start anything new with anyone. My head isn’t in the right space for it.” The subject is closed for me. I won’t be distracted by a man.

“When will you and Lex be coming to Atlanta?” I ask.

A sigh on Rhia’s end tells me I won’t like her answer. “Not for another few weeks. Lex starts his new job officially in four days, but he’s got his first assignment already and will be gone for three weeks. After that, we’re planning to fly over.”

My mood sinks. I had hoped to see Rhia sooner than that.

“I promise once Lex is back, there’s nothing stopping me from coming to see you. And we’ll talk every day, okay?”

“Yeah, okay, sweets.” The news of not seeing Rhia soon has totally deflated me and suddenly I’m bone tired. “I better go and get some sleep. Aiden tells me that Gary wants to take me out for lunch tomorrow… actually, today. So I better be well rested. I need to leave a good impression. Talk to you more later, okay?”

“All right. And don’t worry about Gary, okay? Everything is going to work out just fine.”

Commotion in the background stops us from saying goodbye. I hear Lex’s voice but can’t make out what he’s saying. He must have information on Tiero.

Shit, I’m such a hoe. Forgetting about Tiero just because Aiden entered the scene. This can’t happen again.

My legs bounce nervously on the bed as I wait for Rhia to return. “Lex just got word about Tiero. He is fine, still in Switzerland and on the hunt for Molinaro.”