Page 158 of A New Dawn

“Shhh, love. He won’t hurt either one of us,” Ade tries to reassure.

“You don’t know what he’s capable of.”

“I have a fair idea. Don’t underestimate me, lucida. I’ll keep us both safe.”

The fact that he said us makes all the difference because I’m not worried for me. I need him to be okay.

Tiero enters the room again, his physician in tow. Aiden gets off the bed, giving me a supportive nod.

“Doctor Agosti.” I give him a tight smile, sitting up a little more. “I’m sorry you were dragged here. It’s unnecessary.”

Ignoring my protest, the doctor greets me and asks, “What exactly happened?”

“She fainted and was out for a good minute,” Tiero replies for me, and I glare at him.

Doctor Agosti sits on the bed and takes my wrist to check my pulse. “Your heart rate is elevated.” Duh, I could have told him that.

He shines a torch into my eyes and scans my body, his eyes catching on my ankles that are a little swollen.

“Has this happened before?” he asks. My gaze shoots to Aiden’s who’s been watching the doctor’s actions carefully, ready to intervene if necessary. Do I trust the doctor enough to tell him the truth?

Again, the decision is taken from me when Aiden responds for me. “It has. About six weeks ago.”

Tiero’s eyes shoot to me, his unease obvious.

“It was nothing. I just hadn’t eaten for a day and was a bit woozy. And today I think it was the heat and the stress that got to me.”

All eyes go to Tiero as he approaches the bed, his expression having turned serious. Actually, it’s always serious, but he seems to have kicked it up a notch.

“Are you pregnant, princess?” he asks, his voice low, his eyes hopeful.

Oh shit.

Of course, this question had to come up. After all, he tried to knock me up.

The sadness I felt that day in the hospital resurfaces and my face falls. “No. I’m not pregnant. I thought I was, but it turned out to be a false positive.”

The light in his eyes that the thought of me carrying his child ignited dims. Our gazes stay locked, and his disappointment seeps into me. He really did want me pregnant and bound to his side forever. I swallow hard. As fucked up as this is, I hate seeing him distraught.

“Did you get a checkup when this happened last?” Agosti asks, and I’m grateful he gives me a reason to look away from Tiero.

“Yes. They ran a few tests. They were inconclusive. As I said it was just the stress of the past few months catching up with me. I’m fine.”

Normally, I am anyway. Not so much today. Today I feel a little weak and tired. But that’s hardly surprising given the last few hours.

“Well, there is nothing more I can do right now. I’d like to talk to the doctor who treated you and get those results. Then I’ll run some additional tests. If there’s anything going on, we’ll get to the bottom of it.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Seriously, Doctor Agosti, I’m okay. I don’t need more tests. I know I react badly to stress; I always have, and that’s all this is.”

“Well, then there is no harm in investigating further, is there?” he says in a tone that brooks no opposition.

My eyes widen. I must remember that Agosti isn’t just any old doctor but a bloody mafioso himself who expects women to do as they’re told. And, of course, Tiero agrees, but to my horror, so does Aiden.

He and Tiero speak at the same time. “I’ll take her back to the hospital this week.” “See to it as soon as we get back to Italy.”

The men glare at each other, and I watch them like a spectator at the tennis court, my anger rising. Who do they think they are deciding what I will or won’t do? These misogynistic ass tendencies have to stop.

“I appreciate both your concerns for my welfare, but I make the decisions for me and my body.”