Page 159 of A New Dawn

Agosti closes his bag and, with a respectful nod in Tiero’s direction, leaves the room. His involvement was entirely unnecessary.

“What are you imagining is going to happen next?” I ask Tiero, my eyebrows raised in challenge.

It’s the obvious question. The one that kills any remaining inklings of unity. But is has to be asked. With Tiero’s men waiting outside this suite, are we prisoners or are we free to go?

“You’ll come back to Italy with me, of course.”

Oh, the nerve of the man.

I’m reminded of his arrogance just after he kidnapped me the first time. Nothing has changed for us. Why would I go back with him? He’s still the Don and leads a life I want nothing to do with. Yes, I love him, but we’ve established love just isn’t enough.

“Not going to happen, De Marco,” Aiden says menacingly. “Ella is with me now.”

Well, yes. And there is that. Aiden is now very much in the picture. He’s my fiancé. I won’t just up and leave.

“How can you expect me to return with you to Italy after everything that’s happened?” I ask, trying hard to rein in the temper that wants to be unleashed.

Experience taught me, arguing won’t get me anywhere with this man. I need to stay calm. I glance over at Aiden. Being with him has always had a soothing effect on me, but dear god, he looks pissed.

“Angel,” Tiero calls, and both Aiden’s and my attention automatically go to him.

Holy shit.

I hadn’t even considered Ade’s army nickname. It’s the same as Tiero’s pet name for me.

The twilight tune is playing in my head as yet another synchronicity slides into its rightful place. There really aren’t any coincidences with this, are there?

Tiero appears stunned for a moment but recovers quickly. “Even if what you said is true. You cannot be with both of us. You were mine first. Naturally, you’ll be coming with me.”

I huff. “You could move to Atlanta,” I joke. I know full well he wouldn’t.

“If I could, I would,” he counters. “But I can’t leave, or I would have done so already.”

“What about what I want for my life, Tiero?” I ask quietly?

I’m sick of being treated like a possession by him. I know he loves me, but so does Aiden. Both of them are prepared to die for me in order to protect me from the other. But I don’t want that. I want them alive and happy.

If Tiero gets over his sense of entitlement, I know he will ask me to choose, and on face value the choice is obvious, isn’t it?

The ex-special forces good guy, who dedicates his life to the welfare and safety of others, and who makes me feel loved and adored versus the Mafia Don who disrespects human life and values and who tramples over my life choices regardless of what I want.

But it’s not that clear cut.

How can it be when my whole soul loves both men?

And would my choosing make any difference at all?

If I were to pick Aiden, would Tiero really let us walk away? I doubt it. He gets what he wants, and has no qualms taking it, whether the subject is willing or not.

The truth is, I want them both. I don’t want to have to choose.

On top of that, I doubt any of us would feel complete if one is missing, even though we’ve only just found out whatcompletemeans. A triad would never work… not with their possessive tendencies. And while Aiden is nothing like Tiero in that department, I am certain he doesn’t want to share me with another man.


There is no solution to this. Perhaps I should just give them both up. Then all of us can be sad and alone, living in different parts of the world.

What a clusterfuck!