Page 47 of Sicilian Sunset

After a thorough examination and checking my vitals, the doctor says to Tiero, “Non è il ragno violino.”

Then, looking at me, he translates, “It’s not the Violin Spider.”

Raising my eyebrows at him, I wait for more of an explanation. I’ve never heard of this spider before, but I gather it’s a good thing I didn’t get bitten by one.

“The venom of the violin spider has a necrotic effect on affected tissues.”

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“It means that the cells of the affected tissue die off. The area turns black, the tissue gets eaten up.”

“Oh,” is all I get out, doubly glad it’s not what bit me. “So, do you know what kind of spider it was?”

“There’s no way of knowing unless we run tests and I don’t think that’s necessary. You have an allergic reaction, possibly made worse by the shock of it all.”

He gently rubs some ointment on the bite area and gives me some antihistamine tablets.

“All should be better by the morning. Please, don’t worry about it,” he says.

Easy for him to say, but I guess I’ll know sooner or later if the doctor’s diagnosis is correct. Assuming Tiero employs only the best, I should be able to trust him, right?

The good doctor must read the skepticism in my face and hands me his card. “Just in case things change. I can be here in ten minutes,” he assures me. “I’ll check on you again at eight o’clock in the morning,” Dr. Agosti decrees.

Do none of these Italian men ever ask? And do their women just accept their high-handedness? I feel too tired to roll my eyes, otherwise I definitely would.

Shortly thereafter, the doctor leaves, and I’m alone with Tiero. I’m all too aware that we’re both on my bed, and Tiero is still holding my hand.

Not having the doctor here anymore to distract me, my heart goes into overdrive.

He leans over me. “Get some rest, princess,” he breathes into my hair before kissing the top of my head.

I nod in response, the lump in my throat too big for words to fit through.

He’s close.

So close… too close.

I breathe in his scent, and it makes me light-headed. The air is charged between us, and I clutch the sheet beneath me to stop myself from reaching for him and doing something stupid.

Tiero has been so sweet tonight. The concern and care he showed is melting my reluctance.

Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, I say, “Thank you for looking after me, Tiero. I sure didn’t expect any of that.”

“No, me neither. You’re the first person I know who’s been bitten by a spider,” he replies with a slight twinkle in his eyes. “I’m just glad you’re going to be all right.”

“I’m glad I’m your first,” I say cheekily, realizing too late the sexual innuendo this carries.

I cringe and blush crimson. This is something I’d say to Rhia, but really shouldn’t to a guy I’ve just met and who wants to get into my pants.

Way to go, Ella.

Tiero smiles, satisfied. And in his deep gravelly voice that makes desire pool deep within me, he says, “You’re my first in many ways.”

Wait… what?

What does that mean?

Before I can analyze his words further, he continues, “I’d like to take you out for dinner tomorrow…” Tiero looks at his watch and corrects himself. “Actually make that tonight,” he says, his gaze as penetrating as ever. “I’ll pick you up at eight,” he declares, as if I had already agreed to the invitation.