Page 129 of Sicilian Sunset

“Speed stacking?”

“Yeah. Have you never seen it?”

“I have. I just can’t picture you doing it.”

“I’m actually brilliant at it. I won that tournament.”

“You did?” Tiero looks impressed.

“Yes. And I won a Highland calf as a prize. Well, Knox was a calf back then, now not anymore. He’s got the sweetest temperament. Rhia’s parents have a large property, and he stays there. I visit him every chance I get.”

“You’ve got a Highland bull as a pet?” Tiero asks in disbelief.

“I do.” I grin at him. “See? I’m unique in so many ways.”

“I figured that out the moment I met you.” Tiero leans in for a kiss, and I close my eyes and let myself get lost.

I could do this for hours… well, actually I have, but I can’t seem to get enough.

Tiero growls against my lips. “Woman, you distract me so easily. You were telling me a story.”

“Huh?” My brain has turned to mush… and all he did was kiss me.


“Viking?” he jogs my memory.

“Oh, that’s right. Hmm, Eero was his name. He was runner-up.”

Let’s leave it at that. Given Tiero’s jealous tendencies, he doesn’t need to hear the rest. But he clearly wants to.

“And how did Eero tempt you?” he probes.

“Well,” I stall, contemplating what to tell him… not that much happened, but still. “We flirted throughout the tournament and then celebrated my win afterward. He was fun to talk to, and we hit it off.

“When Rhia disappeared with Lex, he was a proper gentleman… walked me back to my hotel and everything,” I say the last bit probably a little too fast.

I left out the part where Eero kissed me in a darkened corner of the pub, which later continued at every darkened street corner on the way to the hotel.

My body heats, remembering. That man could kiss… not as well as Tiero, but at the time, he made the top of my kissing chart. Eero pushed for more, but that was one occasion my period saved me from doing something stupid.

Tiero doesn’t need to know any of this, though. A furious blush colors my face, and Tiero doesn’t miss it.

“Define everything,” he pushes, eyeing me closely.

I swallow hard, uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “Umm, as I said, he walked me home, kissed me goodnight… on the cheek,” I quickly add, “and walked away. I saw him again the next morning when he delivered Knox, but then Marco turned up unexpectedly, and that was that. I felt guilty as hell about having another man on my mind when I had a boyfriend.”

Over the past two years, I wondered a few times what it would have been like to be with Eero. The way he made my body burn, and how hard I made him…

“What aren’t you telling me, princess?” Tiero interrupts my reminiscing.

Bloody hell! I’m too easy to read.

“Nothing,” I reply, batting my eyelashes to be cute. Time to shine the spotlight on him. “What about you? What’s something nobody knows about you?”

Tiero regards me for a moment, deciding whether he’ll let me off the hook, and then says, “I’ve never loved a woman. Other than my mother when I was little.”

“Hmm, that doesn’t count.”