Page 130 of Sicilian Sunset

He raises his eyebrows at me.

“I assumed that given you never had a girlfriend. Try again.”

He smiles at me, his eyes lighting up with something that looks a hell of a lot like affection and… love?

But that can’t be it. The man just admitted he’s never loved a woman… though he used past tense. And he said he felt a connection with me…

No, I’m reading too much into this.

“Surely, there were girls you felt something for?”

“Lust, yes. But once that’s sated…” he lets the rest of the sentence fade into nothing… just like the women in his life.

“Do you give all of your conquests earrings to remember you by?” I ask, immediately wishing I hadn’t.

He breaks out into a face-splitting grin. “Are you jealous, princess?”

“Of course not,” I huff.

I so am.

Tiero tackles me. “I like it,” he says, kissing me. “But you have nothing to worry about, princess. You’re the only one I’ve ever felt this connection with, the only one I’ve ever given a gift to… other than my cock, of course. That really is a gift in its own right, don’t you think?” Tiero teases.

“Oh,” I didn’t expect that answer.

He’s never bought a present for a woman? I’m stunned into silence, ignoring his brash last comment.

“Why me?” I whisper.

“You, angel, are special,” he says, his eyes penetrating me deeply while his fingers play with a lock of my hair. “You stir things in me I’ve not known before.”

As the meaning of his words sinks in, my heart begins to race and my insides quiver.

All talking ceases as he pulls me closer, and his lips find mine.

Round six for today…

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ellaissleepingnextto me, so peaceful and serene. She’s my goddess, my dea splendente.

Is it strange that two weeks ago, I didn’t know she existed, and now I can’t imagine a life without her?

I push a strand of her golden hair from her face, admiring the smoothness of her skin. Under the light of the stars and moon, she truly looks like an angel.

She is by far the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

And she is all mine.

Fuck, I’m a lucky bastard.

She insisted on sleeping under the stars. As all daybeds are under a gazebo roof, she made me drag the mattress and cushions onto the sand.

Surrounded by the best of what nature offers, I lay on my back, completely content, staring up into the sky.

I haven't done this since I was a kid. I'm astonished how happy it makes me, and it's all on Ella's account.