Page 55 of Sicilian Sunset

Then we’ve got pink ones for sweetness, white ones for eternal loyalty, burgundy ones for deep passion, and orange ones for desire and, drumroll please, the blue ones stand for mystery and should be given to a person you see as unique and wonderful.

As for the tulips, they stand for perfect and deep love. That’s what we have, sexy legs.

As they are a spring flower (and yes, I had to go to great lengths to find them in summer, but nothing is impossible—remember that), tulips represent rebirth. I was reborn the day you became mine. A better, more wholesome version of me. Well done, trouble. You did the world a favor.

Now the colors… just like with the roses, they mean similar things. Red ones mean eternal love and passion, yellow stands for happiness, and pink for affection and caring.

Apparently, tulips are the eleventh-anniversary flower… so in only nine more years, be prepared to wake up in a field of them.

You have my love, always and forever.


Oh gosh. This man! He has me melting on the spot.

If that’s my reaction, I can only imagine Rhia’s giddiness.

As if on cue, she appears behind me, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe.

“Your man is perfection.” I smile at my bestie and wrap her in a hug. I’m so fricking happy for her.

“He is,” she agrees. “There was another letter that came with a parcel, but that one is for my eyes only. Otherwise, you’d want to wash your eyes out with bleach.”

I elbow her side, and she giggles. “What was in the parcel, or is that a secret, too?”

Instead of answering, Rhia opens her bathrobe and reveals her body in exquisite, moss-green lingerie.

“Wow, you look absolutely stunning in this. Even I’m blown away.”

Fastening her robe again, she nods her head. “He does have excellent taste.”

“Obviously. He’s dating you,” I say. “Did he send anything else, or are you just going to wear a trench coat like they do in the movies?” That makes her laugh.

“No trench coats. That’s too cliché. I’ll find something to wear,” she assures me. “Let’s get you ready first. I want you to knock Gualtiero De Marco’s socks off tonight.”

Chapter Eleven


“Youlookincredible.Thisdress highlights all your assets,” Rhia says, gesturing for me to turn on the spot so she can inspect the outfit for the umpteenth time.

“It’s a good thing we’re the same size and can switch and swap clothes. Now you just need the right heels for it.” She disappears into her room and returns with several pairs.

“It’s a good thing for me,” I tell her. “You’re the one with fashion sense. I go for comfort.”

“Which is why I borrow your workout clothes all the time. See, we’re the perfect combination,” she winks as she holds up the shoes at eye level, then squints at the dress I’m wearing, shaking her head. “No, these don’t work either,” she declares and disappears into the closet again. “I know I have the right pair here somewhere.”

I go back to my bathroom and finish putting on make-up, when she enters holding up a pair of blue velvety high heels that match my dress perfectly.

“Here, try these on,” she commands with a satisfied grin.

When it comes to heels, you don’t mess with Rhia. She looks at me expectantly, as if to say,‘Where is my praise?’ and I oblige.

“You’re a fashion genius, no doubt about it.”

She studies me again, her index finger tapping against her chin. “Something is missing. Come with me. You need a necklace.”

Obediently, I follow her. Her room is littered with shoes. “How many pairs did you bring? It looks like half of your whole collection is right here on the floor.”