Page 54 of Sicilian Sunset

Another insistent knock on the door, has me jump out of bed. Damn, we didn’t imagine it.

“Oh my God. Did we sleep through the alarm?” I ask, frantically looking for my phone to check the time. “Shit, this is probably Gualtiero and I haven’t even showered yet.”

“Go,” Rhia urges, pointing to the bathroom. “I’ll distract him.”

I run into the bathroom, the sudden adrenaline rush making me feel more awake than I am. Shoot, I have no clothes in here. What am I going to wear anyway? I look around the room, hoping an outfit will magically manifest… Yeah, I am sleep-deprived.

Calm down. One step at a time.

Get cleaned up first, then worry about a dress.

I’m in and out of the shower in record time, and quickly blow-dry my hair, pulling it up into a messy bun. Securing a towel around my body, I carefully open the bathroom door and stick my head out to make sure the coast is clear.

All is quiet and there’s no sign of Rhia. Has she sent Tiero to the lobby to wait for me there? Gosh, I hope so.

Laid out on my bed is a light-blue summer dress. Looks like Rhia is dressing me tonight, but I don’t mind. She’s the fashionista of the two of us, and I know I’ll look awesome in whatever she chooses.

I walk into her room and immediately stop. An enormous bouquet of colorful roses and tulips sits on the little coffee table. It definitely rivals the ones in my room.

I scratch my chin as I follow the sound of Rhia’s happy voice singing in the shower. Tulips in August? They’re not in bloom anymore.

When Rhia spots me, she beams at me. “You can relax, El. It wasn’t your date. The concierge just dropped off the flowers.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have rushed.”

She just shrugs her shoulders. “Oops, sorry. I just needed to get ready, too. A car is picking me up at eight. That’s in half an hour. So we don’t have oodles of time.”

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“I have no idea. It’s a surprise.”

“Are the flowers from Lex?”

Rhia’s smile grows impossibly large, her whole face glowing. “Yes. God, I love that man. Read his card,” she invites.

I return to the sitting area and stare at the floral splendor in awe. It’s like an explosion of happiness. No wonder Rhia is beaming. Lex has done well.

I pick up the card and begin reading.

Sexy legs,

You didn’t think I would forget, did you? I might not be physically with you in this moment, but I am and will always be with you in your heart and soul.

Two whole years since you changed my life for the better. Two whole years since I found a happiness I could have never imagined.

And as it’s been two whole years… there are two types of flowers for you today, my trouble-maker darling.

Let’s start with the roses. In the center, you should find a single rainbow rose. Until recently, I didn’t know they existed. Just like two years ago—I didn’t know you roamed and ruled the world. And isn’t it a beauty?

One single rose symbolizes love at first sight. And let’s be honest, it’s what happened the moment I first held you in my arms. My body, heart, and soul knew what my mind was fighting.

Apparently, a single rose is also a reminder that somebody—and that somebody is clearly you—is still the one for you. You will always be the one for me, Rhianna Lily Bannaghan.

And why a rainbow rose? I figured it contains all the colors… just like I love all of you. (Yes, I know I sound sappy, but hey, how could I not? It’s you we’re talking about.)

All together, there are sixty-six roses. Why sixty-six? In my profound Google studies, I learned that this number of roses says, “My love for you will never change.” Perfect, don’t you think? Because my love for you is rooted in my soul and will live on long after I’m gone.

So, of course, there are red roses for love and yellow ones for friendship, because besides being my lover, you are my best friend. (Though you might notice the reds outnumber all others by far).