But I shouldn’t be ruled by my libido!
Besides, I only have three full days left, and there are things I want to tick off my itinerary before my flight home on Sunday. I wish he’d run this by me first. He’s kidnapping the rest of my trip without even consulting me.
“I have plans for the next few days, you know?”
The one thing I’ve noticed about the powerhouse that’s Gualtiero De Marco is that he decides for everyone and expects no opposition.
Do people always do what he wants? It would appear that way, and it bugs me.
“Do you really want to keep them?” he asks as I turn to him to say something about him steamrolling me.
He looks excited, and I don’t have the heart to disappoint him. And then there’s my body’s reaction to seeing him happy. His wide grin and sparkling eyes have me melt into a puddle.
Tiero takes my hand and squeezes it enthusiastically, running his long fingers up and down its length, making my body tingle. It’s been only a few hours since I got to touch him, and I want more..
“But what about your work?”
“If anything important comes up, I’ll handle it from the island.”
I throw in one last protest. “But I don’t have a change of clothes with me.”
Tiero laughs and bends over to whisper into my ear, “You won’t need any clothes. I intend to keep you naked the entire time.”
Oh God, why is the thought of us running around without a stitch of clothing turning me on so much? My cheeks color and I shake my head to rid myself of the image of a naked Tiero.
“Not going to happen,” I whisper back.
“Spoilsport.” Tiero winks, pecking my lips for a quick kiss. “Then you’ll be pleased to know that I have some of your things from your hotel.”
“What? Someone went through my stuff?” I stutter in utter disbelief.
“Relax, princess. They didn’t go through your stuff. They just packed a few obvious things.”
Oh my God, I can’t believe my ears. It’s thoughtful and disturbing at the same time. I’m not sure which one to settle for, though I’m leaning towards the latter. And how the hell did he get into my room?
I look at Tiero unimpressed, but he laughs it off and kisses me passionately. After a minute or two of his fiery assault, my mind goes blank… as usual.
If I had the mental capacity right now, I’d roll my eyes at myself.
It’s pathetic.
I remember one important item from my room. “Did they pack my birth control pills?”
I’ve always been paranoid about falling pregnant, especially without being in a committed relationship.
So far, on my insistence, Tiero and I have been using condoms, and I have no intention of changing that, but I’d rather be doubly sure.
“Of course, princess.” Tiero smiles at me, kissing my forehead tenderly, before adding, “We’re not quite ready for a bambino yet.”
Wait… what?
We’re not quite ready yet?
Is Tiero seeing a future for us?
My heart leaps at the thought. No, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’s probably just said it to be sweet.
He gets out of the car, and I watch him as he walks around to open my door.