Page 111 of Sicilian Sunset

Well, I guess I’ll be spending the next few days on his private island.

With a heavy sigh, I resign myself to my fate.

Nah, just kidding!

I’m fricking excited.

Screw playing tourist. I can always come back another time. But how often will I have an entire island to myself with a multi-orgasmic Italian god?

I picture a set of old-fashioned scales. On one side there’s the tranquility and exclusivity of beaches, the azure blue sea, a cooling breeze… and a hunk of a man all to myself. On the other side of the scales are beautiful monuments… and hordes of people, sweat, and heat… and exploring alone.

Yeah, tough choice!

As I get out of the car, Tiero takes my hand, bringing my fingers to his mouth to kiss.

God, he’s so swoony.

Beaming up at him, we make our way to where ELLA is anchored.

I will embrace this unforeseen turn of events.‘A new adventure awaits,’I hear Rhia’s voice in my head. This would be right up her alley, and she’d be cheering me on.

Heck, she would hire a whole cheerleading squad to mark the occasion. This is so unlike me.

“It will take a few hours to get to the island. We’ll sleep on the boat tonight and have breakfast there,” Tiero tells me as we walk hand in hand to the boat.

I still can’t believe it has my name. What a freaky coincidence! Though Oma would tell me that there is no such thing.

We follow Santino and Alonso on board, who immediately go to sweep the boat for threats. Surely, this is excessive. It’s not like this boat is ever unattended. There were two goons keeping watch by the marina entrance. But I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The same crew greets us before retreating to their duties. Even though this is only my second time on ELLA, it feels like I’ve done this many times, and there’s a certain comfort in that.

Enjoying the familiarity, I take off my shoes and climb the stairs to the second deck with Tiero’s hand resting on my lower back. With a smile, I hold on to the railing as the boat slowly maneuvers out onto the open sea.

This is the life.

The cool evening breeze caresses my skin, and I turn my face upwards, grinning at the sky where the stars appear one by one.

Tiero’s hands snake around my waist as he pulls me into him. Without shoes, my head fits perfectly underneath his chin. We’re silent for a few minutes, just enjoying the comfort of each other’s company.

A noise behind us startles me, and we both turn to see Rocco balancing a heavy tray. He puts it down on the table and, with a nod in our direction, disappears again.

Tiero lets go of me and moves towards the table. I hadn’t noticed the bottle of champagne chilling in the ice bucket, but suddenly I feel parched. As if reading my mind, he opens it and pours us each a glass.

He looks so handsome in the moonlight, and the few well-placed candles along the deck make everything look ten times more romantic. My knees go weak just looking at him.

He passes me a glass, and we clink. “To an unforgettable time together.”

He takes a sip, his eyes never leaving mine. Before I met Tiero, I’ve never experienced such intense eye contact with anyone. With him, it’s almost becoming natural. It’s like a burning need to stay connected in this way.

“Are you hungry, princess?” he asks with a soft smile.

“Starving,” I say, just as my stomach rumbles loudly.

Tiero takes my elbow to guide me to the table and pulls out my chair like the perfect gentleman. The wonderful aroma of basil and tomato hits my nose as soon as he lifts the lids off the plates. There’s a variety of dishes ranging from pizza to pasta and an enticing seafood salad. I take a little of everything.

Pulling out my phone, I snap a few pictures of the scrumptious food with the boat’s railing and the sea in the background. They look fantastic—Rhia will be jealous. I’m about to send them to her when Tiero snatches the phone from my hands.

“Hey,” I say, startled. “Give it back.”