“Because you’re chasing things that shouldn’t happen to a man of your standing. Instead of being a member of our class, you prefer to gallivant around Europe or Africa or whichever continent takes your interest. That’s not how you should be behaving. It’s like you’re chasing boyhood dreams.”

Richard sighed.

“I know you’ll never understand, Thomas, but we’re merely gentlemen. We have financial restraints, but that doesn’t mean I should stop chasing my passions. And I am going to be doing some good.”

“What good are you doing travelling to another country when you should be helping Father with his business?”

“Do you help him with the business?”

Thomas spluttered. Of course, he didn’t. Thomas wanted to go out and have fun with his friends. He wasn’t one to sit behind a desk and work out the figures.

“That’s not the point,” Thomas recovered. “How are you helping anyone? Is it bringing us any money?”

“Publication of my book will bring money in. The advances on something Cohen and I are writing are quite reasonable.”

Thomas snorted.

“That’s never going to get published. You’re just wasting money Father has worked hard for. Certainly don’t expect him to pay for you to go to Africa.”

Richard pinched the bridge of his nose. His brother’s whining was beginning to give him a headache.

“I didn’t expect anything last time. If Father wants to help, that’s his prerogative. We don’t have a say in it. You know what he’s like when he’s made up his mind on something.”

“I do know. And I also know that the Africa trip will wipe us out.” Thomas pointed at Richard. “So don’t even think about taking any more money from the family. You’ll put us into ruin and make us a laughing stock.”

“You mean don’t take any more money that you were planning to use for yourself,” Richard shot back. “You don’t want other young ladies turning their backs on you because you can’t spoil them as you want.”

Thomas’ face was bright red. Richard knew he was more upset about not having the money for himself instead of making the family broke. If they did run out of money, it would be because of Thomas’ excessive spending to find himself a wife. And, even then, he would still blame Richard for it.

“That is none of your business, Richard.”

“Seeing as you’re sticking your nose into mine, I think it’s only fair that I do the same.” Richard stood up and walked towards his brother. “You’ve got ideas about your station. At least I know my limitations. You seem to have forgotten yours, and you expect Father to make sure you can show the noble ladies that you can be a good husband. If Father spends money on me, it’s less that you’ve got access to for chasing your own ridiculous follies.”

Thomas scowled.

“I’m trying to further the family name. A marriage to a wealthy lady is what we need.”

“And then you finally get a noble title that you’ve been chasing for years.” Richard folded his arms. “And you call me pathetic. You’ve got no chance of marrying a noble woman. They like having you spend money on them, but once that dries up, they’re going to walk away from you. Nobody is going to want to marry a gentleman with nothing.”

For a moment, Richard thought his brother was going to strike him. Thomas stepped towards him, looking Richard up and down with undisguised contempt.

“At least I’ve got a chance. And I’ll have a good life once I marry a woman who can better me. What will you end up with? If you’re lucky to find a wife, they’ll be mousy and so quiet you won’t notice they exist. Much like you do with everyone else.”

“How do you know I’m not successful with women?”

“Well, you didn’t come back from Europe with a wife.”

Richard smirked.

“Who said I needed to have a wife to show that I was successful with the ladies? There are women who do find intellect attractive.”

Thomas’ mouth dropped open. Then he barked out a laugh.

“As if any woman would look at you like that.”

“I can give you a detailed account if you like.” Richard shook his head. “Don’t assume something about me, Thomas, and also think you’re better than me. You’ve got different ideals from me, fine, but don’t treat me with contempt because I don’t think the same way. That just makes you look like a bigger fool. I’m doing something for myself, something I actually enjoy. And if it means I can rely on myself for money instead of Father and the family money, then that’s even better. It’s not up to you to tell me what I can and can’t do. At least I’m more successful than you are when it comes to our dreams.”

Thomas flinched. For a moment, Richard felt a little bad. It was unfair to jab at his brother like that. They were both striving for something, although their dreams were very different. While Richard didn’t approve of his brother, he wasn’t about to dissuade him.