Isabel turned away from the window.

“I can’t help it. This is something I’m not comfortable with.” She bit her lip. “I’m scared, Mother.”

Lady Dunley gave her a sympathetic look.

“I know. I’m scared, too. But we need to make the most of it. We’ve got this opportunity, and we need to take it.”

“And if it doesn’t work?”

Her mother looked slightly pained. Then she squared her shoulders.

“It’s going to work. I know it is. You just need to have some faith.”

Isabel didn’t know if she could have faith right now.


“So, you’re going to be heading to London.”

Richard looked up. Thomas was standing in the doorway to his brother’s bedchamber. That was a rarity; Thomas didn’t come to bother him. They normally only noticed the other existed when they ended up in the same room. Richard couldn’t remember the last time his brother actively sought him out.

He put his pen down.

“I don’t know yet. I only sent the letter off earlier today.” He frowned. “How did you know about that? I haven’t said a word to anyone about it.”

“I saw the letter on the hall table earlier. Postmark London.” Thomas folded his arms. “I may not be up to date on what you consider important, but even I know who Professor Ainsley is.”

Now that was a surprise. Richard didn’t think Thomas was on point about that. Then again, considering how famous Professor Ainsley was, he would have been mentioned more than once in Thomas’ presence.

“It’s just a suggestion from Cohen. He thought it would be good for me to get onto the expedition team to Africa.”

“You mean so you don’t have to ask Father for money again.” Thomas sneered.

“I didn’t ask for the money. Father gave it to me of his own volition.”

Thomas snorted.

“I highly doubt it. Father doesn’t make foolish financial decisions like that.”

Richard bristled.

“Foolish? Cohen and I discovered a lot about Europe. We brought back all our research, and we’re collating it for a book.”

“And where is that going to get you? Will you be able to get it published? I doubt it because nobody’s going to be interested in what you and our old tutor found.”

“You’d be surprised what people would be interested in. It does mean a publishing credential to our names.”

Richard liked the thought of being a published writer. Seeing his name on a book would make him feel proud. And it would make people notice him as a literary talent rather than a young man chasing a dream.

He wondered what Isabel would think about it once he was published. She would be proud of him as well. She was always saying that Richard had a flair for writing and he should show other people.

Don’t think about Isabel. It will just make you miserable the more you think about her.

Thomas rolled his eyes.

“Honestly, Richard, sometimes I wonder if you ever grew up.”

“How do you make that out?”