How long would it last? He didn’t know, but he needed to do it for the sake of the expedition. Isabel would understand.

Taking a deep breath, he headed up to the front door and knocked. Then he heard loud voices inside. All of them female. It sounded like there was an argument going on.

Were Isabel and her mother fighting?

The door opened, and Arnaud was in the doorway. She blinked when she saw Richard.

“Mr Sidney.”

“Good morning, Arnaud. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“It ... it certainly has.” Arnaud bit her lip and glanced over her shoulder. “Forgive me, you didn’t send a card in advance, and it’s not really a good time for a visit.”

“What’s going on?”

Before Arnaud could say anything, Richard saw her. Isabel was coming down the stairs, wearing a dress that fitted to her body really nicely. Richard had to stop himself from staring. She looked even lovelier than she did last night. A stirring happened in his gut, and Richard had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

Then he noticed that she was wearing her travelling cloak, her hat in her hand. It was a little early to be going out, wasn’t it?

Isabel was nearly at the bottom of the stairs when she looked up, doing a double-take when she saw Richard. Her foot missed the step, and she slid with a squeak, making a loud bang and grabbing onto the banister. Arnaud hurried to her side.

“Are you all right, Miss Moore?”

“I ... I’m fine, Arnaud.” Isabel straightened up, almost flinching when her maid touched her arm. “I just lost my footing, that’s all.”

Richard hovered on the threshold, watching as Isabel’s face went red.

“Going somewhere, Isabel?”


“You’re wearing your travelling cloak. Are you eloping or something?”

Why did he say that? Richard bit back a groan. He really should be careful about what he said. And he should certainly keep away from any thoughts or comments about marriage.

“Oh. Right.” Isabel cleared her throat. “We received word from Clovewood that Viscount Dunley is unwell. He’s asked for Mother to return to help with the estate, and I’m going to travel with her.”

She was returning to Devon? Richard stared.

“For how long?”

“I don’t know. Chances are, we’ll be returning in a couple of weeks. We won’t miss much of the Season.” Isabel winced at the raised voices from the other room. “Mother’s telling Lady Blythcourt and Lady Hester that we’re heading out shortly, and I don’t think they’re being very supportive.”

From the sharp tone that suddenly made Richard wince as it vibrated his ears, they were certainly not supportive. He could make the words out clearly.

“Leaving London is out of the question, Marjorie! You should be thinking about the next step with the Duke of Galliston.”

“It’s not like we’re running away, Lavinia.” Richard heard Lady Dunley’s voice, her tone surprisingly calm. “We’re going to be back soon. But family duties do come first, and Viscount Dunley has a lot to worry about with being unwell and unable to be around his newborn son because of it.”

“So, you’re just going to drop everything and go be a slave for the man who threw you out of your home?”

“I’m not going to do anything of the sort. No matter what Viscount Dunley has done, he is still family, and he needs help.”

Richard caught Isabel rolling her eyes and muttering to herself. It looked like she was still bitter about what happened. He wasn’t too impressed with it, either, if he were honest. There were stomping feet. Someone was pacing in the front room.

“But Isabel has only just got the proposal from the Duke of Galliston! What will he think when he calls around and finds out that you two have to leave London? Do you think he’s going to wait?”

“If he’s a gentleman, he will wait. You make it sound like we’re vanishing into thin air. It’s only for a short time, and then we’ll return.”