How could Lady Dunley be so calm when someone was practically shouting at her? Richard had no idea how the former viscountess had maintained such composure when anyone else would be snapping. Richard admired that about her.

He looked at Isabel, who was whispering with Arnaud. The maid nodded and disappeared down the hall, Isabel turning to him.

“What are you doing here, anyway, Richard? I don’t recall seeing a calling card.”

“I didn’t send one.”

“Normally, we wouldn’t accept you without one. Unexpected visits are not what polite Society likes.”

Richard shrugged.

“I’m not exactly a member of your Society, am I?”

“No. I suppose not.”

They stared at each other, Richard feeling the air getting thicker around them. He could feel his heart racing. He had had everything planned out in his head, and now everything had gone. Richard couldn’t remember what he was meant to say.

“So?” Isabel prompted. “Why are you here?”

“Oh. Right.” Richard shook himself. “I was actually going to head back to Clovewood today myself. Visit Father and have a few days before I get back to work.”



Why was he saying this? Richard had had no intention of doing that. But all reasoning seemed to have left him, and he found he didn’t want to leave Isabel’s side. Not yet, anyway.

Isabel, though, looked sceptical.

“What does Professor Ainsley say about that? You’ve only been working for him for a few weeks.”

“He said it’s an ideal time to have a day or two to calm down and gather our thoughts until we have to get on with the next project. Besides, he’s had to head to Norfolk. Something to do with another project he’s working on alone.”

The first part about having a few days off before getting into more cataloguing and experiments was true, but not the Norfolk part. Richard had no idea why he had said that. But Ainsley wouldn’t mind, or probably notice, that Richard took the rest of the week off in Devon.

Anything to stay in Isabel’s company for a bit longer.

“Oh. I see.” Isabel shuffled from foot to foot. “So, you’re going back home, are you?”

“I planned to. I ... I just wanted to let you know before I did leave. Just so you weren’t concerned about where I was.”

“I wasn’t going to be concerned.”


Isabel’s gloved fingers twisted together. She looked uncomfortable. Richard had an urge to kiss her again. He shook himself. Not something he wanted to think about while he was trying to spin out this lie to be somewhat convincing.

“So, are you going to be heading off shortly?”

“Once Mother’s packed, and the carriage is prepared. That’s going to take some time, especially if Lady Blythcourt is still arguing with Mother. She and Lady Hester sound very opposed to us leaving.”

That certainly sounded like it. Richard brightened.

“I was going to be going back with Cohen. He came up yesterday to see the exhibition, and then he was going to return today. He’s using Father’s carriage, which will be bigger than yours. Why don’t we all travel down together?”

Isabel’s eyes widened.

“You ... you really think we should do that? Will Mr Cohen be all right with it?”