Chapter 10

“Come on, Isabel!” Lady Dunley bustled into the morning room and gestured at the clock. “You’re supposed to be getting ready to go to the ball. It’s only an hour before we need to leave.”

Isabel didn’t look up, simply turning a page in her book.

“It doesn’t take me an hour to get ready, Mother. Even with the extra fancy things, I can be ready in plenty of time.”

“That was when you barely had anything to change. This is your first proper ball, and you need to make sure things are in place.” Lady Dunley huffed. “You can’t expect to throw everything on and it’ll be fine. People are going to notice.”

“No, they’re not, Mother. And I do know how to look presentable without needing hours to get ready.”

“That’s what is worrying me.” Her mother plucked the book out of her daughter’s hands. “Besides, Lady Blythcourt is going to be here fifteen minutes before we leave, so you do need to go to your bedroom and start changing.”

Isabel frowned.

“I don’t see the fuss about when you go to get ready. Arnaud’s competent enough, and I know how to get dressed.”

Lady Dunley sighed and urged her daughter to her feet, steering her towards the door.

“Stop arguing and get dressed. I’m going to get myself changed as well, and I need to know you’re not going to be spending all the time down here with your nose stuck in a book.”

“It’s an interesting book, and I am aware of the time, Mother.”

“I’m doubting that with your recent attitude.”

“Attitude? I haven’t given anyone an attitude.”

Lady Dunley slowed as they reached the stairs.

“I’ve been worried about you, Isabel.”

Isabel frowned.

“How so? What have I done that’s got you so concerned?”

“You’ve been a little out of sorts. It’s like the moment you’re allowed to think, you start getting red-faced and flustered. And you’re getting more distracted than normal.” Lady Dunley peered at her daughter. “Is there something I should know, Isabel? Has something happened?”

Something has happened, Mother. Richard kissed me, and I really enjoyed it. But I shouldn’t. I should have said no, and I didn’t.

And I want him to kiss me again.

But Isabel didn’t say that out loud. While her mother knew Richard, she would be horrified that he led Isabel down a path that could have been scandalous. It was not a good idea to discuss it with Lady Dunley.

Even though Isabel couldn’t get it out of her head.

She managed a slight smile.

“I’m fine, Mother. It’s just me getting worried about tonight.” She shrugged. “I guess it’s just getting to me.”

Her mother’s expression softened, and she hugged her.

“Oh, darling, you’re going to be fine. You’ve picked up your lessons really well, and you’re a girl who is quick on her feet. You’ll be able to cope with anything that’s thrown at you.”

“Do you think so?”

“I know so.” Lady Dunley turned Isabel around and nudged her up the stairs. “Go and get ready. Lady Blythcourt and Lady Hester will be here shortly, and we will need to leave promptly.”

“Yes, Mother.”