“I …”

Now he had stopped kissing her, Isabel was beginning to come back to her senses. They were kissing. In public. Where anyone could have found them. This ... this was not right. She was meant to be portraying herself as a lady, not messing around with someone unsuitable.

You didn’t think he was unsuitable when he was kissing you just now.

“Isabel?” Richard frowned. “Are you all right?”

“I …” Isabel swallowed. “I have to get back to Mother. She’s going to wonder where I am.”

“She trusts me to look after you.”

But I don’t trust myself. I need to remember who I am now.

Gulping, Isabel stepped back, stumbling until she got her feet. Then she put her hat back on with shaking hands.

“I need to get back to my family. It ... it’s too dangerous for us to be here alone.”

Richard frowned, but he let her go.

“You’re concerned about us being caught? That didn’t bother you before.”

“Back in Devon, it wasn’t a bother because I didn’t care. But I have to care now. And remember that this isn’t Devon.” Isabel swallowed. “I have to go.”

“Isabel …”

But Isabel didn’t wait. She ducked back under the branches, this time careful not to dislodge her hat, and hurried down the path almost at a run. She was breathless when she finally reached her mother and Lady Blythcourt, trying not to trip over her skirts.

“Goodness, Isabel!” Lady Dunley stared at her. “Are you all right?”

“Forgive me, Mother. Mr ... Mr Sidney and I just got talking, and we didn’t realize that everyone had disappeared.” Isabel pressed a hand to her chest, wishing that her heart would slow down. “I don’t think I’ve run that much in a while.”

Lady Blythcourt tittered. Hester’s mouth twitched. Did she suspect something?

“Dear, dear, child, you’re not supposed to go running around as a lady. Ladies do not run.” Lady Blythcourt looked over Isabel’s shoulder. “And where’s this young friend of yours? Surely, he should have escorted you.”

“He had to hurry back to work. Professor Ainsley’s got him very busy with his current research. He only had a brief respite.” Isabel shrugged. “He sends his apologies, Mother, and he also sends his regards.”

Lady Dunley arched an eyebrow.

“I see. You’re looking very red-faced, Isabel. Do you want to have some respite before we return to the house?”

Isabel managed a smile, hoping they didn’t suspect that she had been doing something other than running.

“I think that would be useful, Mother. Thank you.”

Although it was going to take more than a brief respite to stop herself from thinking about Richard’s kiss.