Thomas recovered and narrowed his eyes.

“I think I’ve got more of a chance of finding the woman I want than you have of becoming another Professor Ainsley.” He sneered. “You wouldn’t be able to do that with your nose buried in a book.”

“Life isn’t all about getting an advantageous marriage, Thomas. Not in our social standing, anyway.”

“You think? It means everything. We need it to make sure we can carry on. Father won’t be able to sustain our lifestyles for much longer.”

“You mean Father won’t be able to sustain your lifestyle,” Richard corrected. “You’re the one who spends too much.”

Thomas huffed. Then he turned away.

“It’s going to be nice and quiet when you leave for London. At least I won’t have to see you walking around with a book in your hand spouting off some ridiculous facts. That can get very boring.”

Richard didn’t reply. He just wanted Thomas to leave, and it was a relief to see his brother sauntering away. He should have stayed with his usual method of dealing with Richard and kept his distance. It made things far easier.

Now he was hoping for the position in London as well. Then he would be able to get away from his brother and his snobbish behaviour. It was very grating on the nerves.