Chapter 15

Sarah poked her head around the bookcase, her heart still pounding in her chest. It would have been terrible to have got caught again by the duke, and he’d no doubt tell her father of the incident. Sarah was flooded with guilt as she thought of the conversation that she and her father had shared just before entering the library.

“Is he gone?” she whispered.

“That he is.” Reginald turned to her.

Sarah brought a hand up to her chest. “That gave me such a fright.”

“There’s no reason to fear. You’re safe.”

Reginald’s words filled her with happiness again. Yes, she did feel safe with him, whether alone or in public. It was the safest she’d ever felt.

Sarah knew not what came over her next, but she slowly walked up to Reginald and stood before him, gazing into his eyes. She watched as Reginald’s chest heaved as he looked down on her.

Coming in unbearably close, Sarah tilted up her chin and pressed her lips against Reginald’s before she could stop to consider it. She moaned softly, and Reginald let out a faint growl. Sarah was unsure how long they stood there, locked in their gentle kiss, before Reginald swiftly wrapped his arm around Sarah’s waist and hoisted her up in his arm, kissing her more deeply and passionately.

Sarah lost her senses and gave in to the forceful kiss, wishing that it might last forever. She felt her chest pressed against his. Reginald’s lips were soft as they explored her hungrily. Sarah brought a hand up to Reginald’s cheek, wishing that she wasn’t wearing gloves so that she might feel his flesh.

As Reginald slowly let her down, she slid down him until her hips were pressing against his own. It was the first time that Sarah felt a man aroused in such a way, and although it filled her with fear, that sensation was accompanied by longing.

Finally, Sarah pulled away and blinked her eyes several times, trying to grasp what had just transpired. She’d been the one to initiate the kiss because it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. There was something incredibly right about what had happened.

Sarah removed her hand from Reginald’s cheek. His eyes were narrowed, gazing down at Sarah as though she were a flame in the fire. She finally reminded herself to breathe before stepping back and placing her hands on her cheeks.

“I fear that I shouldn’t have done that,” Sarah said.

“I’m glad that you did.”

“That was wrong.”

“It did not seem wrong to me.” Reginald stepped in and grasped Sarah’s hand, holding it tightly.

For several moments they merely stared at one another in awe. Had Sarah been entirely transported by this man that she’d known so briefly? There was the delightful encounter in the library the previous evening, the ride in the field, the picnic, and now, the greatest moment of all. Sarah craved so much more.

“I must go,” Sarah said, compunction finally filling her.

“If you must,” Reginald whispered. “It’s entirely your decision.”

She looked down at their two hands. “Yes, I must go. I fear for what might happen next.” Sarah returned her gaze to Reginald’s, hoping that he understood the deep and unspeakable longing that she felt. From his eyes, she gathered that he might feel the same.

Reginald brought her fingers up to his lips. “If you must.”

“Goodnight, My Lord.”

“Good night, Sarah.”

With that, Sarah exited the library on shaky legs.


Reginald merely turned to watch her go; then his eyes turned back to the fire. What had just transpired was perhaps one of the greatest moments of his life. It was naturally the greatest moment in Reginald’s life, but it was also the greatest moment in Patrick’s life.

He ran a hand through his hair, wondering what he should do next. He had the mind to follow her—to go to Sarah’s room and lay with her in her bed, but to do so would mean the annihilation of Sarah’s honour, and he would never wish that.

To clear his mind and to continue with his plan, Reginald decided it was best to take Lucky Stars back to Anders’ farm to inform the men of how he wished to proceed. There was no turning back now. He’d held up the rouse well, and he’d need to continue to do so in the future to secure Sarah’s love.

There was no sense in informing anyone of his departure, so Reginald snuck out of the estate as best he could, only encountering the stableboy in order to secure the horse. All the while, Reginald’s mind was spinning. Sarah had been the one to step in and gently press her lips upon his own. It was incredible to think that perhaps her desire matched his. There were so many enchantments in the future if they could be together, but how was that even possible? Reginald was determined to find a way.