Riding through Hamel in the black of night, a smile finally came to his lips. The moment was utter perfection, having Sarah in his arms. She seemed to fit into him perfectly, the way that she rested on his chest after he hoisted her up. Would the men even believe him if he told them what had happened? Reginald doubted it. Yet still, he would need their assistance if he were to proceed.

Considering that the hour had drawn late, Reginald wanted to believe that the men would be at the farm, but considering how well he knew his blokes, Reginald thought it best to ride by the Hound’s Bone first, just to make sure.

Dismounting Lucky Stars and tying him to a tree, Reginald peered through the foggy windows of the tavern and grinned to himself. Clearly, his instincts were correct, for Bo, Ned, and Jimmy were all seated at the bar.

Upon entering the tavern, the three men turned towards him, and Reginald, now fully embracing the reality of being Patrick, smiled.

“Well, look who we have here,” Bo said.

“I need a pint.” Patrick assumed his seat at the bar.

“Did you win the lady yet?” Bo asked.

Jimmy said, “Give the man time. Ladies take a while.”

Patrick motioned towards Tim Tom. “Good man, I’ll take a pint of ale.”

“How is it I’m not surprised?” Tim Tom replied, looking Patrick up and down. “I must say, you’d have me convinced.”

Patrick looked to Bo, then Jimmy. “I have everyone convinced. I wish I could say thatIwas surprised.”

Ned finally chimed in, “Those are strong words from an earl with only one set of pants.”

Tim Tom placed the ale in front of Patrick, who thanked him with a nod of the head. “And that’s precisely why I’m here. I wish to continue the success of Reginald Simmons, but to do so, I need the money that the three of you now owe me.”

The men grumbled before Bo spoke. “So soon?”

“I’ve won the wager in a fair manner.”

“But Anders has only paid us half,” Bo protested.

“Then give me that. I merely need to return to the haberdashery for more clothing, and then I will purchase Lucky Stars from Anders.”

Patrick sought to formulate the entire plan for moving forward as he spoke. Although more clothing and ownership of the horse couldn’t buy him the life of Lord Reginald Simmons, what it could buy him was more time to figure out what to do next.

But Patrick had to admit to himself that the only time he truly wished to buy was more time with Sarah. How could he express to his blokes that the lady had initiated a kiss so marvellous that he’d never be able to wash it from his mind? No, they would only tease him if he told them, and there would be no teasing if it pertained to Sarah Crawford. The woman was a marvel—a goddess—and he’d protect her in any way that he could.

After much discussion, the men begrudgingly pulled out their coins from their pockets and placed them on the bar.

“I’ll pay for tonight’s entertainment,” Patrick assured them.

After more description of the Duke of Faversham’s estate, the attire of the guests, the remarkable afternoon out in the field, each man ordered one more ale, and Tim Tom merely shook his head.

“How many nights will you four close this tavern down?”

“What is the hour?” Bo asked.

“Nearly one. I don’t understand how any of you lot do work in the morning.”

Bo insisted, “We’re quite used to it.”

Although Patrick would not be doing any work in the morning, he’d need to perform a different kind of work. He’d return to the haberdashery and explain the situation, asking if they had any more used gentlemen’s apparel, then he’d also find a way to convince Anders to give him the horse. Considering that old Anders never seemed to leave his front porch, there was a chance that Patrick might succeed.

But more important than Patrick’s success was Reginald Simmons’ success.

As the ale began to make Patrick a bit sleepy, all he could think of was Sarah, warm in her bed, hair let down, sleeping costume draped around her exquisite figure. Patrick recalled the way that his strong arm felt around her waist, and how he lifted her effortlessly, her body resting onto his. Then she brought her hand up to his cheek affectionately.

Things had escalated—that much was certain. Although the situation could throw Sarah into peril, Patrick still dreamed of the situation escalating even further. He wanted to go all the way. Sarah inspired such boldness in him.