“If I may be so bold,” Patrick remarked. “That child was not buried, for that child is me.”

A tense silence followed as everyone waited to see if the duchess would agree to the truth. She shook her head in disbelief, but finally threw herself into Patrick’s arms and said, “Henry … my Henry!”

Patrick embraced his mother, knowing that this was the woman who had missed him all of his life, mourned for him even. The duchess refused to let go, grasping Patrick tightly, and he allowed her to do so for as long as she pleased.

Patrick heard the Duke of Faversham’s voice behind him. “So, it is true … I concede my claim for Sarah’s hand.”

“That is very noble of you,” Lord John exclaimed.

Once the duchess was finally able to let go, the Duke of Glastonbury stepped in, Patrick instantly noting that himself and the duke looked remarkably similar.

“My son,” the duke said, putting out his hand for a gentlemanly shake.

Although the duke’s greeting was more formal than the duchess’, Patrick accepted the shake and grasped his father’s hand with great strength and emotion.

“Brother,” Lord Kelly said, offering Patrick a shake, as well.

Patrick felt tears welling in his eyes, but he held them back. Nothing could fully explain the happiness that he felt.

Finally, Sarah stepped in. Patrick gazed into her eyes, lovingly. “From here on,” Sarah said. “I will refer to you as Henry.” She turned to her father. “Hopefully, my husband.”

Lord John heaved a sigh as all eyes turned towards him. “Please understand, Sarah, this is still a difficult decision to make. Although Henry is of sound birth, he lied to us all. We were deceived in him. It’s not an easy task to rebuild that trust.”

“I did it for love,” Patrick said. “From the moment that I laid eyes on your daughter, I knew that I was bound to love her. I undertook the identity of Lord Reginald Simmons because I wanted to draw near to her. Little did I know, I could have done so without assuming the identity of Lord Reginald.”

“Father, please consider Henry’s words. I love him … there’s no one in the world that I love so much as him. I realize that it’s a difficult decision, but now we have confirmation that Henry is of noble birth, the Duke of Faversham has relinquished his claim, and there’s no one in the world I want so much as Lord Henry Spencer to be my husband.”

Lord John heaved a sigh as the Duke of Glastonbury said, “We would be pleased to have Lady Sarah Crawford as our daughter.”

The duchess, tears in her eyes, nodded her head emphatically. “It’s true. I’ve known her since she was a wee girl.”

Lord John looked to his daughter, now tears in his own eyes. “Yes, Sarah. I can see that Henry has made you happy—or whatever his bloody name is.” Everyone laughed, dispelling the tension. “And I know that you were in no way determined to be married before you left for the Duke of Faversham’s estate. Therefore it proves that your love for Henry is sound. Now, I need confirmation that his is the same.” Lord John turned to Henry.

Henry heaved a weighty sigh before taking Sarah’s hand. “There’s no one in the world that I have ever loved so much as this marvellous creature. If you allow me to marry her, you will make me the happiest man in Christendom.”

Lord John nodded his head. “I’m satisfied. The two of you shall be wed.”

Sarah flung herself into her father’s arms. “Oh, Father. I’m overjoyed.”

Lord John stroked his daughter’s back. “That’s all that I ever wish to hear, my girl.”

The Duke of Glastonbury clapped his hands together and motioned towards a footman. “Come! Let’s pour champagne and celebrate this marvellous day. My wife and I have a son, my son has a brother, and Lady Sarah has a husband.”

As everyone laughed and cheered, Henry watched as the Duke of Faversham quietly bowed himself out of the room. In the end, their gentlemen’s agreement had been reached, and the duke proved himself a good sport, even though there was disappointment on his face.

Henry embraced Sarah, so desperate to lean down and kiss her, but it could not be undertaken in such company. Now, Henry finally had confirmation that he’d be able to kiss her as much as he desired within a short time.

The champagne was carried into the parlour, and everyone took a glass. The Duke of Glastonbury undertook a speech. “Such joy has been brought to our home today. I cannot thank everyone enough for having the courage to reach the heart of the matter. The past has been a challenge,” the duke said, turning to his wife. “I know that the duchess has suffered much, and I’m sure that our son, Henry, has done the same. But now is the time for us to revel in being reunited, and I do hope that you’ll remain at my estate for as long as you please. I also wish Henry and Sarah to become husband and wife under my roof.”

The duchess exclaimed, “What a fabulous idea!”

“Would it not be too much trouble?” Lord John asked.

The Duke of Glastonbury shook his head. “Not in the slightest. It would be a delight for us all.”

Henry stood in a daze of happiness. No words could express the joy he felt for being reunited with his family and being able to marry his love. His chest swelled with pride … and also longing for the time following their marriage when he could have Sarah all to himself.

Once the champagne was done, the duke invited the guests out to the field where the other members of the party were engaged in their own celebration of sorts, the Duke of Faversham having relayed to them what had transpired in the parlour. Many guests greeted Henry, expressing their regrets that they had ever doubted him. And now they knew that he was a true peer, many extended invitations to their own estates, once the marriage was done.