
The party entered the Duke of Glastonbury’s regal estate, and Lord Kelly announced, “Please, ladies and gentlemen, make yourselves at home. The duke and duchess have been notified of your arrival, and rooms have been appointed.”

“So marvellous,” Sarah said, looking all around.

Although Patrick had delighted in the evening before, being able to sleep in the same bed with Sarah one more time, he couldn’t help feeling a tinge of nerves upon stepping into the Duke of Glastonbury’s estate. There was no chance that his assumptions were wrong, but what if the duke and duchess could not give confirmation?

Also, there were the nerves that arose from the fact that Patrick was no doubt meeting his parents for the first time.

“Where are the duke and duchess?” Patrick whispered to Lord Kelly.

“I’ve been informed they’re in the parlour, awaiting our arrival.”

“Surely, the whole company won’t come to greet them?” Patrick said, looking around at the twenty-some people that surrounded them in the entrance hall.

“Not at all,” Lord Kelly replied with a smile. “Tea has been organized out on the lawn. They’ll relax and dine while we deal with the matter at hand.”

Patrick clapped Lord Kelly on the back. “That’s a sound idea, old chap.”

“I’m quite sure that within a moment, you’ll be able to call me brother.”

Patrick looked into Lord Kelly’s eyes. How marvellous to finally have a brother, to finally not feel alone in the world.

Sarah asked, “Patrick, shall we proceed?”


With that, Lord John, Patrick, Sarah, and the Duke of Faversham were invited into the parlour, and the rest of the guests were ushered out by footmen. Patrick’s nerves turned to anticipation as the door to the parlour was opened, and the small company stepped in, Patrick and Lord Kelly standing side by side.

The Duke of Glastonbury stood in wonder upon viewing his son and the mysterious stranger that wasidenticalto his son. The duchess brought her hands to her cheeks and was unable to speak.

“This is the predicament that I explained in my letter,” Lord Kelly said.

“My word …” the duke replied.

Lord John Crawford stepped in. “My Lord, it’s marvellous to see you after so long.”

The duke greeted the Earl of Benton. “My sentiment is much the same.”

“Please understand,” Lord John went on. “This man here wishes to marry my daughter, who is naturally of noble birth. He met her in disguise, claiming to be the Earl of Buckland.”

The Duke of Glastonbury nodded his head. “That is what I read in your letter.”

“But he’s most certainly not Lord Reginald Simmons, although he bears a striking resemblance to your son.”

The duchess finally stood, unable to hold back. “Everyone cease to speak!” She stepped in slowly, gazing at Patrick as though she were seeing a ghost. Briefly, Patrick felt Sarah reach out from behind him and grasp his hand. The duchess continued to examine Patrick before speaking again. “It can’t be true.”

Patrick said, “I’m standing before you, so it must be true.”

The duchess turned to her husband. “I always had my suspicions, but seeing the two of them now before me, the prospect is unbearable.”

“Allow me to explain,” Patrick said, putting up a hand. “My mother was a maid and always wandering. There was very little information about my birth except that my father had fled and my mother was the only one to take care of me. It was often remarked that the two of us didn’t bear any resemblance.”

“Was she light in colour?” the duchess asked. “With rather red cheeks?”

“That she was.”

“My word, that was my maid! That was the woman that helped me to bear my child, then helped me to bury it.”