There were several moments of silence in which the two men smoked and looked about the room as other men did the same. If Reginald’s instincts were correct, it seemed like Lord John actually took a liking to him.

“You have raised your daughter well,” Reginald finally said.

“She’s an exquisite girl. So is her sister. I’m proud of them both.”

“You have every reason to be. They’re well-mannered, kind, intelligent.”

“Sometimes, I think they’re too intelligent. At least, that’s the case with Sarah. All she does is read her books and carry on. Despite this event at the estate, she doesn’t care much for marriage.” Lord John turned to Reginald and gazed at him intently.

Reginald cleared his throat. “She is independent.”

“I must be careful, however. Sarah comes with a hefty dowry, and I don’t wish any man to deceive her for pecuniary reasons.”

Was Lord John making an accusation? Reginald thought it preposterous until he reminded himself that he was Patrick Day, and as soon as Lord John caught on to the rouse, he’d think that was the reason for Reginald pursuing her. In that, he’d be entirely wrong because his affections for Sarah came from nothing but admiration and infatuation.

“If I may be so bold, I can’t imagine anyone wishing to marry Sarah for anything other than her beauty, pedigree, and remarkable character.”

Lord John looked at Reginald with approval in his eyes. “That’s what I believe, as well, but one can’t be too careful.”

“I agree.”

The duke approached and clapped Reginald on the back. “Say there, old chap. I hope that you’re enjoying the evening.”

“Yes, Your Grace. Very much so.”

“And to make the competition all the more exciting, you’re having a chat with Lord John, I see.”

“He’s a fine gentlemen. I’m pleased to meet his acquaintance,” Reginald said.

The duke motioned to a servant who carried a bottle of port.

“Be so kind as to serve these two fine gentlemen.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” the servant replied.

The port was served, and Reginald took his first sip. It was remarkable, the feeling that fine port could give a man. Within three sips, he felt all his cares vanish into thin air.

The duke said, “Do you wish to see how the ladies are getting on in the drawing room?”

Reginald assumed this to be a continuation of their gentlemanly rivalry.

“That sounds like a pleasing idea,” Reginald said.

“You boys go along.” Lord John took a sip of his port. “There are some business matters that I need to attend to with Lord Riley across the way.”

“Very well.” Reginald got up from his seat.

“Come this way,” the duke said.

Reginald followed behind Lord Edward, wondering why exactly it was that he wished to pay a call to the ladies. Just as soon as he unbuttoned the top of his shirt to expose some of his chest, Reginald had an understanding of why.

Yes, from the looks of things, the duke was a tad inebriated. Once more, Reginald’s talent for handling his liquor was proving most beneficial.

“Ladies!” the duke said, throwing his arms out wide just as soon as he stepped into the drawing room.

Many of them said, “Good evening, Your Grace.”

“How are we carrying on?”