The women were mostly sewing from the looks of things, one played the piano in the corner, and others walked about the room arm in arm, taking some exercise. The room’s air was much more rarified and civil than the dining room, where the men remained.

Reginald instantly spotted Sarah, seated on a small couch with Lisbeth. The two girls sipped tea, but Sarah had a tortured expression upon her face, as though she were entirely bored.

The duke walked towards Sarah, and Reginald followed, his hands clasped behind his back. Lord Edward Guilford and Reginald towered over the seated girls.

“Lady Sarah, I hope you enjoyed the special supper prepared for this evening.”

“It was delicious, yes. The meals here are always sumptuous.”

“I scoured the land to find the greatest cook. I’m always impressed.”

Sarah looked up at Reginald, and he felt his breath catch in his chest.

“Lord Reginald,” she said. “Did you enjoy the meal?”

“That I did. But I mostly enjoyed the fine company.”

He was referring to Lord John Crawford, but Reginald was also referring to how Sarah was seated across the table from him so that he could gaze into her eyes, which continued to sparkle as she sat in the drawing room.

The duke cut their reverie with his words. “Sarah, you’re one of the finest piano players in attendance this evening. Would you care to grace us with a song?”

Sarah’s eyes went wide. “I’m unsure … ”

“Come now. You’d make your father most proud.”

Sarah gently closed her eyes for a moment and then stood, resigning herself. “If you insist.”

The duke clapped his hands together with pride. “I’ll summon the men.”

As the duke left the room to inform the others of Sarah’s little concert, Reginald and Sarah had one brief moment alone. Lisbeth had got up to inspect the piano.

Reginald whispered, “Meet me in the library tonight.”

“Do you think we’ll be caught?” Sarah looked from side to side.

“That’s half the fun.” Reginald smiled mischievously.

Moments later, the men began to flood into the drawing room, and all the ladies situated themselves in chairs while many of the men stood holding their port.

Sarah stood in front of the piano and spoke to the gathering with her hands clasped in front of her.

“It has been some time since I played, so I beg you to be generous.” She had a bashful smile upon her lips.

The duke called out, “Your audience is already captivated.” He lifted his glass.

Sarah bashfully laughed before seating herself at the bench. She held her hands over the keys for a moment before her fingers sparked to life, and she began to play.

The melodious sounds emanating from the piano were transfixing, nearly as transfixing as Lady Sarah Crawford herself. Reginald closed his eyes in rapture, having never heard such rare beauty. It reminded him of just how skilled women of breeding really were. Sarah had so many remarkable talents that he still didn’t know of. He wished to know everything there was to know about her.

A tinge of sadness came over him as Reginald realized that Sarah was past question too good for him. He was nothing. Patrick Day could work with his hands, read books, expertly wear a disguise, but he needed to be so much more than that to deserve the affections of such a remarkable woman.

Once the song had concluded, Reginald felt light as air, and from the reactions of the rest of the guests, he assumed that they did, as well. Sarah’s music had transformed the whole atmosphere of the room. Across from him, Reginald noted that Lord John had a tear in his eye, which he wiped away.

Yes, Sarah was a rare treasure, and everyone in that room knew it. Reginald watched as the duke tenderly walked towards Sarah and placed a gentle hand on her back, leaning in to whisper something into her ear. Sarah smiled.

Finally, the duke addressed his guests. “She has agreed to play one more.”

There were general applause and genuine enthusiasm. Reginald himself couldn’t wait to hear more.

Sarah continued to play for the better part of half an hour, and that time seemed to last mere moments. If Reginald was remarkably fond of Sarah before, he was now quite convinced that he was in love and he’d do anything to have her. He wished to hold her in his arms, kiss her neck, and perhaps one day, be the sole audience for one of her piano concerts.

That would be his newest dream—a room of his own, Sarah playing her piano, and no one else to enjoy the sound of it but himself.