
The following morning, Laura went to the parlour to clean up after Norman’s late-night gambling. Percival told her that he retired to sleep no more than one hour before. Laura shook her head in dismay. The room was a shambles.

Although it would take the better part of the morning to clean, Laura was grateful to clean it in the morning instead of having to tend to the festivities late in the night. She hated to watch Norman gamble. And every time she saw the duke, it made her think of Edward and long for him again.

Laura saw that there was an empty teacup sitting on a side table. She walked over to it, and took it in her hands. It reminded her of the first time she and Edward met when she collided with him and nearly dropped to the ground before he caught her. Laura heaved a sigh. Although the memory of it was embarrassing, it was still one of the most treasured memories of her life.

Laura heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned. Was she dreaming it up? Having a vision? Edward was standing there.

“Your Grace?”

Edward’s face was grave. “I told you not to call me that.”

“What are you doing here?” Laura felt her knees weaken, but she held steady.

“I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time.”

Laura wished to protest. She wanted to tell Edward that it was best if he left at once lest they fall back into their old feelings for one another, even though those feelings had never gone away.

“Do what?”

Edward stepped forward and came close. Laura nearly dropped the teacup, just as she had the first time. But instead, she placed it on the side table and seated herself, trying to remain steady. She looked up at Edward. He was as handsome as ever. “Understand that all this time I’ve thought of nothing but you.”

“I … For me, it has been the same.”

A smile of relief came to his lips. “I’m happy to hear that.”

“But you know, it’s best that we not meet like this.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’ve come to an important conclusion.”

“Oh?” Laura felt her heart racing in her chest.

“We must spend the rest of our lives together.”

“We’ve already discussed this. It’s impossible.”

“Nonsense.” Edward shook his head. “Anything is possible in this life if we choose it, and I choose you, Laura.”

Laura put her hands up to protest. “Edward—”

“I can’t live without you, and I refuse to do so. Graham said it perfectly. Perhaps my reputation will be sullied for a brief time, but why should that matter? All I care about is happiness. Yours and mine. What would make you happy, Laura?”

How could she possibly answer that? She knew what would make her happy, and it was the man that stood before her. But how could it ever be possible that they should be together? Society dictated that it couldn’t be.

“What would make me happy would be to see you wed to someone that deserves the Pembroke name.”

“And that someone is you.” Edward slowly got down upon one knee in front of Laura’s chair, taking her hand. “Will you marry me, Laura Hawkins?”

Laura’s face widened with shock. Truly, this must all be some kind of dream. There was no way that this moment could be real. Edward’s hand grasped her tightly. It would be impossible to refuse him at this moment. Everything that she longed for was kneeling right before her.

“Edward, you’re not thinking straight.”

“So you’re refusing me?”