“No, I …”
“Then say yes, and make me the happiest man on this earth.”
Laura could feel her entire body shaking. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and instinct took over. There was no refusing the man in front of her. “Yes … yes!”
“Laura.” Edward pulled her off the chair so that she was sitting on his knee. He grasped her waist. “We have the rest of our lives now.”
Laura tried to speak through her tears. “I’m very much looking forward to it.” She leaned in for a kiss. Edward kissed her gently at first, then he placed her on the floor, positioning himself on top of her. The kiss turned passionate, fiery. Laura grasped the top of his head and felt his soft hair. A hand came up between her legs, under her skirt. Edward felt with his hand that soft spot at the apex of her thighs. Laura moaned in pleasure. His hand slid under her shorts and explored her delicate flesh.
Laura turned her head to the side in rapture, not thinking she’d be able to stand one more moment of it. Was this how it was always going to be? Would the rest of their lives be as delicious and erotic as this moment? Laura knew that she didn’t have to hold back anymore. She delighted in everything; Edward’s taste, his smell, the way his skin felt. All of it was so new and so familiar at the same time.
“We must stop.” Laura didn’t want to say the words, but she knew that it would be a scandal if they were caught in this precarious position. Their engagement was enough of a scandal as it was, and Laura didn’t wish to damage either of their reputations.
Edward pulled away breathlessly. “We can stop. There’s plenty of time for this and so much more.”
“Yes.” Laura smiled and brought a hand to Edward’s cheek.
Edward got up and put out his hand, pulling Laura effortlessly off the ground. He wrapped his arm around her and pressed her into his chest. “One more kiss before I go.”
“Anything you desire.”
“You have no idea how much I desire.” Edward leaned down to kiss her once more. Laura was in ecstasy. She wished that they could be alone from that moment on, free to fully discover one another. But that would be in good time.
The wedding breakfast was conducted outside, just as Edward had imagined it. The sun shone brilliantly over his estate, and all the guests dined on scones with cream, fresh fruit, omelettes, and cakes. Edward turned to his new bride. She wore a beautiful gown. Edward would have her clothed in only the best for the rest of her life. Her hair was set perfectly with little tendrils of curls falling on either side of her face. Edward leaned in to give her a gentle kiss.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“And you’re the most handsome man.”
“For the love of decency!” Graham cried out. He stood from the table, clinking his glass with a knife. “May I have everyone’s attention?”
Edward whispered into Laura’s ear. “Brace yourself.”
“This charming old chap seated beside this beautiful lady just so happens to be my best friend. And knowing what I know of him, I pity his new bride.”
All the guests laughed, and Edward rolled his eyes. He grasped Laura’s hand. Laura called out, “I won’t accept your pity!”
“Accept it, or no, you’re in for a very long life of suffering.” Again, the guests laughed. “But in all seriousness, never have I been so proud of Lord Edward Pembroke. He has made the right decision, and I hope that I have helped in that regard.”
Edward said, “You’ve helped me with nothing.”
“And considering that it’s my duty to give a speech at this breakfast,” Graham went on. “I’d like to share my sentiments about love. It is a rarity, is it not? Love can nurture, and love can wound. It changes over time and not always for the better. In that spirit, I’d like to wholeheartedly wish that it doesn’t go bad.”
Edward stood, smiling. “Before I let this cad speak for too long, allow me to share my sentiments.” He looked down at Laura. “I’m truly married to the most beautiful, kind,compliantwoman in the world.”
Laura knew that Edward was teasing her, and she rolled her eyes. “This is all quite humorous.”
“And I intend to love her for the rest of my days, so help me God.” Edward sat down and gave Laura another kiss. Although the kiss was soft, Edward was full of anticipation for their time together after the breakfast was concluded. It made his head spin.
As the guests applauded, Laura whispered in Edward’s ear. “I believe that Graham has been staring at Diana all morning.”
“I’ve noted that, as well.”
“I wish that he would do something about it.”
“For all his bluster, Graham is terrified of rejection.”