“And that means that I want to see you happy. I wish to get drunk at your wedding breakfast and give an embarrassing speech.”
Edward had to laugh. “I look forward to that, as well.”
“And I know the late duke and duchess would be proud.”
“They would be.” Edward felt a wave of sadness come over him. How he missed his late parents. They would be proud to see him wed. “So, all this ghastly sentiment aside, do you think I should marry Anna?”
“The answer to that would be no.”
“Why is that?”
“Because you don’t love her. It’s plain as the eye can see. That entire time that you were dancing and carrying on, Anna watched you intently while you examined the room. For the laundress.”
“Behaviour proves everything, and your behaviour proves that you do not love Anna Rutley.”
“I have an important question for you.” Edward leaned his hands onto the stone balustrade.
“Which is?”
“How is it that Anna can’t tell what my true feelings are?”
“Because she doesn’t want to know! Come on, man. You’re the brother of a powerful duke, rich in funds, sadly, only mildly good-looking—”
“I would agree with you there.”
“Marrying you would set Anna Rutley up to have a phenomenal life. She doesn’t care one jot what your feelings are. The woman has her eye on the prize, and can you blame her?”
“Why, yes. I can blame her. If she wishes to marry me for my funds, my simple looks, etc., then it means that she’s not truly in love with me. And why would she want to marry for anything other than love?”
Graham looked at Edward like he must be the most incompetent loon on the face of the earth. “Where do you get these romantic notions from, old chap? I’m glad that I’m here to protect you because you don’t have a head on your shoulders.”
It wasn’t that Edward didn’t have a head on his shoulders. After everything that had transpired between him and Laura, Edward did have romantic notions about things. Once he had tasted love, what would be the point of marrying someone for any other reason? Should he marry a woman for, say, her pedigree or family name, Edward would never get out of his mind the truth about what love really felt like.
“Let’s change the subject.” Every time Edward discussed marriage with Graham, he felt a constriction in his breathing.
“Salmon sandwiches.”
“Ha! What about them?”
“They’re marvellous. The ones that your chef prepared.”
“He has a way with smoked salmon.”
“All humour aside, I trust that you will choose the right lady.” Graham looked at his friend intently.
Edward sighed. “I trust that I will, as well. If she will have me.”
Edward and Graham stood in the silence for a while, looking off into the distance. Would Laura accept an offer of marriage? Perhaps it was a silly question. She was a lowly maid, and Edward was a wealthy man. But that wasn’t the point. Part of him always had to wonder if Laura was merely accepting his affections because he was the master of the house. He could have anything that he wanted. But what he really desired was Laura’s heart.