“No occasion.”
It was partially the truth. Edward was unsure why he had waited so long to have a ball, and he feared that society might think it suspect. To keep up appearances, he decided to have the event, if only to make society think that he was looking for a bride, a conundrum that Edward was having a difficult time facing.
Anna seemed disappointed when Edward said that there was ‘no occasion.’ Perhaps she was thinking the very same thing as Laura. Sometimes, Edward truly found the female mind spectacular and strange. So unlike the male mind. God made it so.
As the dance continued, Edward spotted Laura off in the corner, holding a tray of refreshments. He had to conceal the smile that came to his lips. That whole time, hers was the only face he wished to see. If only it were Laura he was encircling right now, and not Anna Rutley.
Once the dance concluded, the crowd gave a polite round of applause, and Anna looked to him breathlessly. “Will you promise to dance with me again?”
“Of course.”
Inside, Edward felt his heart sink. He didn’t wish to dance with Anna again. He didn’t wish to dance with anyone, for that fact. All he wanted was Laura. The music struck up again, and Anna turned to him. “Let’s keep going!”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll rest for this one.”
Anna frowned. “I’ll accept that, just this once.”
Edward smiled weakly and walked away, heaving a sigh. Spotting Graham off in the corner, entertaining a group of ladies, Edward saw a perfect opportunity for distraction. As he approached, he grabbed a glass of punch from a passing tray.
“Ladies.” Graham was entertaining the group. “You all look ravishing.” Many of them smiled and laughed. “This evening is a cause for celebration. My dear friend here, Lord Edward Pembroke, is going to marry one of you.”
“I would be honoured,” Edward said, by way of being polite.
“So. Which one will it be?” Several ladies raised their hands and blushed. “All remarkable candidates. I thank you for volunteering. If no one were to volunteer, I doubt this old chap would be able to find anyone.” Graham gave Edward a firm clap on the back. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, ladies. There are serious matters to discuss.” Graham led Edward away from the group so that they could be alone.
“You’re more determined to find me a wife than I am.”
“You can have any one of those girls, Edward. Yet you choose indifference.”
“I do not choose indifference.”
“Fine, you choose the laundress.”
“I refuse to have this discussion with you. Where are you taking me?”
“I need some fresh air.”
Graham and Edward stepped onto the veranda, where there were surprisingly few guests. The stars in the clear night sky twinkled. Graham and Edward looked up. “I think the ball is a success.”
“Of course, it’s a success. You’re Edward Pembroke. Everything is a success.”
“Not true.”
“Look at you. Dashing young man. The world at your fingertips. No wife.”
“Can I ask you a serious question?” Edward turned to Graham.
“Why your obsession with my future matrimony?”
Graham’s expression changed. “Because I want to see you happy. Settled.”
“I could say the same for you.”
“It’s not the same for me.” Graham looked off into the distance, introspectively. “We’re both brothers of dukes. My brother happens to be a very level-headed fellow. I have no cares. Nothing to attend to. You, on the other hand, carry the world on your shoulders because of Norman.”
“I can’t disagree.”