Page 1 of Two Doors Down


From Beast to Beauty

My life has gone full circle, and few women can say this at age twenty-nine. Being with this man, this animal, every moment possible, not only makes me want more of him, but also crave more of him.

Rolling over drenched in sweat after multiple orgasms and feeling my body convulse like never before, sex has turned from a "yeah baby," to a "holy shit how did he do that to me?” I am not talking about a twenty-minute ordeal either; the sex lasts for what feels like hours, and my panties get wet just thinking about more of it with this man.

My life changed when my best friend Jenna from high school reached out after almost ten years. We both went our separate ways to college. Granted, we were friends on social media, but that was the gist of it.

During high school, I was the girl all the guys would walk by and not even take a second to glance over at me. I was not as pretty as the other girls in school, and guys did not see me as anything even close to eye candy. I was more like the ugly duckling.

Because of this, I always focused on my schoolwork; boys were not my priority. This is not to say I did not find a few of the guys in my high school hot, but they would never give me the time of day.

Jenna was not a complete geek like me, but she was not very popular either. She existed in this happy medium and managed to have a few boyfriends during her high school career. For me, getting a date to the prom would have meant hell had frozen over.

My mom would always tell me the beauty that mattered was on the inside. This was her way to keep what little self-esteem I had from completely plundering into a dark hole.

My parents divorced when I was sixteen, and this left me raised between two homes. As a way to try to bond, my parents took more of an interest in my social life and showered me with gifts.

The first tube of lip gloss ever to make its way into my handbag was gifted to me when I was sixteen; shortly after my parents split. After that first tube, it was game on! More makeup, more clothes, more beauty, and losing twenty pounds helped complete my look. I was on a mission to no longer be the ugly duckling.

After many years passed by, one day while at work, Jenna happened to stop by and see me. Not only was I in utter shock after such a long time, but we looked at each other in a bit of disbelief. We both went from being average and even below average girls in high school to developing into strong women who had a lot to offer

"Would you like to go grab a glass of wine after work?" Jenna smiles at me after light chit-chat.

"Yeah, that would be great. We can catch up. By the way, where is your brother nowadays?"

"He is back here in Seattle and living with his girlfriend after graduating with his full ride scholarship at Arizona State. I have to say, I am not a fan of that girl. She is one of the neediest chicks I have ever met!" Jenna laughs.

"Well, if Eric still looks like he did back in the day, I am sure he will catch on to her and he will have no problem finding another girlfriend." I grin.

"You have a point there," Jenna laughs. "See you at six tonight?"

"Yeah, sure thing, see you then."

After work, Jenna and I meet at a bar close to my office. The two of us share memories, stories and catch up on the past ten-plus years. It is an evening filled with emotion and I started thinking of Jenna’s big brother Eric.

Eric never would give me the time of day back in high school. Most often, when I would be at their house, he would throw out a smart-ass comment about my glasses, braces, or my big butt. Although he was joking, I know he was half-serious as well.

As Jenna and I took our last sip of wine and prepared to go our separate ways, she looked at me with curious eyes, "I have been meaning to ask you, where in Seattle do you live?"

Finding the question peculiar I hesitated a moment before responding. "I live downtown in the Tower 12 Apartments, why do you ask?"

"Oh, sorry if that came across wrong," Jenna grins. "I was mostly curious to see how far apart we live now. I live over in Windemere."

"Oh wow! You must have a really nice home!"

"It's not too shabby," Jenna giggles. "Let's get together again soon?"

"Yes, I would like that." I give Jenna a tight hug goodbye.

That night upon arriving back to my apartment, thoughts about Jenna and her big brother swirl within my head. Does Eric still look like he did in high school? I wonder what his girlfriend looks like. There is no way in hell she can be ugly if Eric still looks the same.

Drifting into a deep sleep after having erotic thoughts about Eric, eight hours seem to pass by in the blink of an eye.

My alarm jolts me awake, and yet another day is ahead of me. Today is a big day: my boss, a high-powered lawyer, needs my help with a massive case involving a billionaire divorcing his wife. With that kind of money on the line, I cannot be unprepared.

During lunch with my boss after the first divorce hearing, my cell phone rings, and caller ID announces it is Jenna. Thankfully, my boss has stepped away from the table to use the men's room so I answer the call.