Page 2 of Two Doors Down

"Hey Jenna! How are you?"

"Not bad Aria, how are you?"

"I am good, just finishing lunch with my boss and then back to the office," I sigh. "What's up?"

"I had to call and tell you, Eric is moving into the Tower 12 Apartments this weekend; isn’t that crazy!" Jenna exclaims.

"No kidding?" I nearly drop my phone into my lap.

"Yeah, I thought you may want to know. I am not sure what unit he is moving into but maybe you two will run into each other."

"Yeah, maybe. It would be great to see him after all these years. Why is he moving?"

"He finally smartened up and got rid of the needy one," Jenna bursts into a laugh. "I could not be happier to see her go."

"Wow, well I am sure he will have another girlfriend soon. Hopefully, the next one is not so damn needy."

"Yeah, you can say that again. Hey, I have to get going, but I had to call and tell you the news. Funny, such a small world we live in, huh?" Jenna notes.

"Yeah, it is a small world. Have a good day and talk soon." I end the call.

My stomach flips with nerves but also excitement. Potentially seeing Eric again is exciting, but distressing as well.

The work week flies by due to my workload with the divorce case, and before I know it, it is Saturday morning. While going out on my usual walk to a coffee shop nearby, I notice a moving truck parked outside.

Standing next to it is a tall man with dark skin, wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and black loafers. From the back, this man is sexy as hell; I can only imagine what he looks like from the front.

As the man turns around, to my complete surprise, it is Eric!

My mouth nearly hits the concrete in shock, and his eyes meet mine.

Eric tilts his head in disbelief as if he has seen a ghost. He slowly walks towards me as I stand frozen like a statue.

"Aria? Is that you?" Eric smiles at me.

"Yeah, it is me. Eric?"

"Yeah! Wow! I cannot believe we are running into one another here and after all these years!" Eric beams.

"No kidding! What has it been? A decade?"

"At least!" He nods." What are you doing here?"

"I live here. I mean, I live in Tower 12.” I play dumb. “And you?"

"I am moving into Tower 12; can you believe it?"

"Wow! No, actually I cannot." My heart pounds so hard I can hear it in my head. "What unit are you moving in to?"

"502," Eric stares at me. "What unit do you live in?"

"506!" I damn near shout out in disbelief.

"Two doors down, really? How insane is that? We are neighbors," Eric smiles.

"Yeah, we are." My head is spinning with thoughts that should be banned by law about what I would like to do sexually to this man, but I know I can’t.

"Well, I have to get going, the movers are waiting on me. Maybe we can have a drink soon?" Eric starts to turn back toward the moving truck.