“I try not to take life too seriously because I think the energy we put out in the world comes back to us tenfold. So if I try to make people laugh, be supportive of my family and teammates, and give back when I can, the hope is that those actions will make their way back when I need them.” She smiles. “And as far as in the bedroom? Well, you make me a little crazy, Pen, so that’s just the side that comes out around you.”

“Well, I think you’re doing a damn good job, in all respects.”

“Thank you. So whatdidyou think of me the night we met then?”

“Honestly? I thought you were a smooth talker who was definitely looking to get laid.”

“I wanted you, but I also didn’t expect anything.”

“I know. I remember you telling me that. It’s one of the reasons I felt comfortable going home with you.”

“And look how that turned out,” I tease.

She laughs and then takes another drink of wine. “I mean, not many other girls could say they’ve had dinner cooked for them by Maddox Taylor, that’s for sure.”

“No other girl can say that, Penelope.”

Her smile falls, and then I see her swallow. “Really?”

“Yes. You’re the only one, Pen.” She pauses mid-sip and stares at me, unblinking, so I clear my throat, not wanting to feed into the nervousness that just grew between us. “Are you done?”

“Oh, yeah. Thank you.”

I clear our plates and then begin washing dishes.

“I can do that.”

“Nope. I’ve got it.”

“But you cooked,” she argues.

“And I’m also cleaning. Just give me five minutes, and then we’ll leave.”

After I’m done washing the dishes, I tell Penelope to grab a sweater, and then we hop in my truck, headed for our next destination. And when I pull up to the beach just as the sun begins to set, she gasps.


“Come on, or we’re going to miss it.”

I round the hood of my truck and open her door, helping her down and then grabbing the blanket that I tucked into the back seat and the basket of candy I bought earlier today. Once I lock it, I take Penelope’s hand and head for the sand, over to a small cove in the rocks that I know will give us a little privacy. I also brought a ball cap just in case, but I feel like after the sun goes down and it grows dark, I probably won’t have to worry about being recognized anymore.

“This is risky, Maddox,” she whispers as we kick off our sandals and march through the sand.

“Most things that are worth it are.”

When we arrive at the spot I scoped out last week, I lay the blanket down and motion for Penelope to sit right between my legs so her back is to my chest. Reaching for the basket of candy, I hold it out in front of her. “What’s your poison tonight?”

She searches through her choices and then snags the box of Buncha Crunch I put in there just for her. “These are mine.”

“I thought you might like those.” I pull out a Milky Way, chomp into it, and then turn to watch the sun settle in the sky.

“This is incredible, Maddox. I can’t believe you did this.”

“Well, we already went on a hike. I figured we might as well knock this off your list, too. But there will be no pushing me away later, got it?”

She nods and then rests her head on my shoulder, twisting so her face lines up with my neck, and then she places a soft kiss against my skin. “I won’t. I would be a certifiable ass if I did that this time.”

“Glad to know you’re not afraid to admit when you’re wrong.”