“Careful there, Maddox, or my elbow just might find your crotch behind me.” She jabs me in the ribs to emphasize her point.

I wince. “You would only be hurting yourself then, Penelope, because I’m pretty sure that would put me out of commission for the rest of the night.”

She sighs. “Damn, you’re right.”

“Best words to hear from a woman.”

She elbows me again as we laugh and eat more of our candy.

“The sky is beautiful tonight,” she says, staring off into the distance as the waves crash onto the sand. A salty breeze wafts around us, and she buries herself in my chest for warmth, which I’m not complaining about.

“It is. Do you think everyone around the world sees the same sunset?” I ask. “I mean, I always wondered if certain places get better views of shit like that.”

“I thought the same thing when I moved out here from Ohio because I could have sworn that a sunset on the beach was better than some I saw back home.”

“Ohio, huh?”

She tenses up and then replies, “Yup.” And that’s all she says. “Tell me, were they this golden in Newberry Springs, Texas?”

“Believe it or not, I think they were more orange and pink than golden. I played many a football game as the sun was going down, and I remember how orange the sky always was because the stadium lights stood out against it.”

She nods. “Sounds very memorable.”

“Some of my best memories of playing the game.”

“More than now with a stadium full of screaming fans?”

“I’d say so. I mean, back then, the stands were full of people I knew. Now, I play and know my parents aren’t there and neither is my cousin, Leslie, with her kids and husband. My aunts and uncles. They’re the people who stood behind me and pushed me into this career that I wanted so badly. They’re the people I truly play for. The fans are just an added bonus.”

“Have they ever been to a professional game?”

“Oh, yeah. In fact, I got them flights and tickets for a game the week of Thanksgiving so we can spend the holiday together since I won’t make it home.”

“You’re really close to them, aren’t you?”

“Definitely. I miss Leslie’s kids the most, Gavin and Stella. They’re six and three, respectively, and missing them grow up is what kills me the most about this trade. Gavin is starting peewee football, and Stella is in dance. I wish I could be there for those types of things. At least when I was in New Orleans, the traveling wasn’t so bad. But now...”

“I’m sorry the trade took you away from them. It sounds like you lost a lot with the move.”

I pull her closer to my chest. “I didn’tloseanything, things just changed. And hey, look at what I gained, too.” Nuzzling her neck, I whisper, “If I hadn’t been traded, we wouldn’t be here together right now, Penelope. There was plenty of good that came into my life with this change—the biggest part being you.”

She turns to face me. “You just have no problem putting your feelings out there like that, do you?”

I cup the side of her face, stroking her cheek with my thumb. “Why hold back? Why not just live in the moment and let it overtake you?”

Open up to me, Pen. Tell me what you’re feeling. Stay in this moment with me.

“Because sometimes one moment can change everything,” she replies. And even though I feel there is so much more to her answer, I swallow down my desire to keep pushing her, and instead I kiss her, holding her in my arms, soaking up this moment for the both of us.

* * *

“How did your meeting with Liam go last night?” I ask as we head back to Penelope’s place.

“Oh, it went okay. I swear he thinks I’m incompetent, but I had no problem putting him in his place.”

My blood starts to boil. “What did he say?”

“It’s what he doesn’t say, like he’s sure I’m going to fuck something up. Always asking me questions, making sure I have things in place that we’ve discussed time and time again. I’m an organized person, and his micromanaging is beginning to piss me off.”