“I don’t want them to. I’m being brutally honest with you, Penelope. I want time with you, as much time as you’ll give me.”

“Well, I have brunch plans tomorrow since it’s Sunday, but I guess I could squeeze in a phone call tomorrow evening.”

“It’s a date.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a date on the phone before.”

“Then I’m glad I get to be your first.” I let out a yawn even though I’m fighting it, but Maddox hears it. “I should probably let you go.”

“Yeah, today was exhausting, but... the ending was pretty amazing.”

“I agree wholeheartedly. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, babe. Sweet dreams... and not of Robert Downey, Jr., okay? Dream of me, Penelope.”

Giggling, I shake my head as I stare at the ceiling again. “I can’t help my subconscious, Maddox. But after tonight, I think the chances of you appearing in my dreams are pretty high.”

“I’ll just have to put in even more effort, then. My goal is to hear you tell me about a dream that I’m the star of. And hell, if I’m doing certifiably dirty things to you in that dream, I’m not opposed to that at all.”

“Go to sleep, Maddox.”

“Good night, Penelope.”

I struggle to end the call and wait until I hear him do it because the truth is I don’t want to hang up. I want to keep talking.

After I brush my teeth, go through my nighttime routine, and lay back down in bed, it doesn’t take but a few minutes before I’m fast asleep.

And Maddoxdoesappear in my dreams—but Jacob does, too.

* * *

“I’m pregnant!” Noelle screams as she runs into Frankie’s Diner, straight for our table.

It’s the day after the Children’s Hospital fundraiser, and I’m still giddy after talking to Maddox last night. But Noelle’s news definitely lifts my soul even more.

I stand from my chair, hold my hands out for her to run into, and then shout, “Hell, yes!”

Charlotte and Amelia squeal beside us as Noelle pummels into me. “It’s really happening! I’m going to be a mom!” Her words break off on a sob as she covers her mouth with her hand. “I’m going to be a mom...”

Holding her to me, I close my eyes and breathe her in as her emotions take over. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m tearing up right now from her happiness. “You are. You’re going to be the best momever.”

When I release her, she stares up at me and then over to the girls. “Thank you. And you three are going to be aunts!”

We all laugh as Amelia and Charlotte take turns hugging Noelle as well.

Once we all get our congratulations in, we take our seats just as Frankie comes by with bottles of champagne.

“Noelle, is it true? Are you going to have a baby?”

Noelle beams up at him. “It’s true, Frankie, so no more champagne for me.”

I raise my hand in the air. “I’ll drink her share, Frankie, so don’t start skimping on us, all right?”

He nods in understanding. “You got it. Let me grab the OJ, and then I’ll be right back to take your orders.”

We watch him saunter off before Amelia speaks up. “So how are you feeling? When did you find out? When we didn’t get a text from you after last brunch, I wasn’t sure you had good news to report...”

“And I didn’t want to be nosy and press for info,” Charlotte interjects. “We kind of figured you’d tell us when you were ready, whether it was good or bad.”

Noelle takes a deep breath and blows it out. “Well, I knew I said I was going to take one of those early tests at brunch last time, but the more I thought about it, I didn’t want to disappoint myself if it wasn’t necessary, so I decided to wait. I knew Wednesday was when I was supposed to get my period, and that morning, I woke up to some spotting, which instantly made me cry. But then it stopped. It wasn’t like my period coming, either, if you know what I mean.” We all nod. Being a woman is just a fascinating experience, isn’t it?