“So I waited until Thursday and took one after I woke up. The faintest pink line appeared, and I was shocked, like I couldn’t believe it was true. I wanted to be sure, so I called my doctor and went in Friday on my lunch break to confirm.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me. “I am so freaking happy for you, Noelle. Seriously. And you know what? My nipplesdidtingle on Wednesday, so now I know my superpower really works.”

Charlotte rolls her eyes as my girls laugh. “Yes, it was Penelope’s nipples that knew you were pregnant before you did.”

Noelle shakes her head, smiling from ear to ear. “I don’t even care. I’m just so relieved and nervous and excited. I’m feeling a lot of things, but most of all accomplished. I did this on my own, you guys. I took my life into my own two hands and made things happen forme. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so independent in my life.”

“You’re a badass, Noelle. Hell, we all are. You should have seen the grown men I had dressed in princess gowns yesterday at the hospital. It was priceless.”

Amelia perks up in her seat, a knowing look on her face. “And how did everything go at the event?” she asks, double meaning in her words that only I can decipher.

The corner of my mouth lifts, but I hide it as best I can. “It went... really well. It was emotional, for sure, but I’m optimistic that my plan and decisions will all pay off.”

With a nod, she says, “I have no doubt they will.”

Charlotte chimes in. “I can’t wait to see the articles and press for that. I’m sure Damien will be excited, too.”

“All of the boys will,” Amelia adds. “They’ve been reminding me about meeting Maddox and the other players at the Puppy Palooza event in a few weeks almost every day. They’re like little kids when you tell them you’re going to go somewhere, so they bug you about it every hour of every day until it happens.” She rolls her eyes playfully. “It’s adorable but starting to get annoying. I never should have told them about it in the first place. I’ve learned that with Oliver, but you’d think I wouldn’t have to worry about it with grown men.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to record their reactions so we can use it for blackmail later if necessary.”

The girls laugh. “Sounds like a plan.”

“All right. If you don’t mind, I need to eat, ladies. This fetus needs some food, and then this mom-to-be needs some rest. I can already feel my body doing weird things, and lord knows it’s not going to get any easier.” Noelle reaches for the menu to figure out what she wants, and then Frankie returns for our order.

For the next two hours, we listen to our friend share all of her fears and anticipation about being a mother while I think about my own in relation to Maddox.

Last night was eye-opening, but it gave me hope, much like how Noelle is feeling right now.

My life is changing, too, and hopefully soon I’ll feel confident enough to share my story with my girls. But right now, I just want to keep this change close to the vest—because, ultimately, I’m afraid it will all end just as quickly as it began.



Snapping my fingers, I dance my way over to my locker after my shower as I hum the melody of “Jump” by Van Halen, a classic.

“You look like you either got laid or you know you’regoingto get laid,” Hayden says as I unlock my locker.

“No, just happy to be alive, man.” The last thing I need is to answer his question insinuating anything, especially because the woman who has me dancing is Penelope. And as much as I know how amazing sex with her is, getting to know each other more is what has me dancing around like a loon—particularly because I know I get to see her tonight.

“Yeah, I’m happy to be alive, too, but I’m much happier when there’s a woman to help stroke my stick.”

Casting a glance over my shoulder, I furrow my brow at him. “You call your dick a stick?”

He shrugs. “Sure. Stick, rod, lightsaber... the possibilities are endless.”

“You have problems, Palomar.” Laughing, I drop my towel and pull on a pair of briefs.

“My mother tells me the same thing.”

“I sincerely hope you don’t talk to your mother about your lightsaber.”

“Nah, not since she gave me the talk about the fact that it would light up at the most inopportune times for the rest of my life.”

“One of the curses of having a dick.” I turn to face him. “By the way, nice job on the field today. It really feels like the offense is starting to gel.” We’re a few weeks into OTAs, and I have to say, our team is looking promising. It’s been nice to meet some of the players I haven’t already and finally run some plays. Throwing a football around after a long break must be what a writer feels like when they start typing again: The thrill of magic happening runs through your veins.

Hayden beams and puffs out his chest. “I told you all of my studying would pay off.”