She also helped create the hotline we established after tragedy struck our family, and it sucks that I can’t be close by to help her as much as I did before.

“Glad to hear it.”

“You sound like you’re driving. Where are you going?”

I come up to a stoplight, and as soon as the truck comes to a complete stop, I run a hand through my hair. “Well, I just left my workout at the practice field, and now I’m on my way to meet with the PR rep the Bolts hired.”

She clicks her tongue. “And how do we feel about them?”

I momentarily contemplate just how honest I should be with Leslie. She’s my cousin and one of my best friends, really. We’re only four months apart, so we grew up together like siblings. She was the person I told when I lost my virginity, she was there when I thought I’d hit my low point in my career and couldn’t trust anyone... and I also told her about Penelope after I returned from my trip to California almost two months ago.

Plus, I really need someone to remind me about everything at stake here if I can’t control myself around her.

“It’s Penelope,” I finally answer, waiting for her response.

“Wait?ThePenelope? The one from California?”

“Well, since I’m now out in California, that would make sense, don’t you think?”

“No need to be a wiseass, Maddox. She’s the PR rep the team hired?”

“Yup. One and the same.”

“Jesus,” she huffs. “How the hell did this happen?”

I run my hand through my hair. “Well, it’s partly my doing.”


“Listen, I didn’t do anything on purpose. I just suggested the team use Edelman PR because I remember them being responsible for the Zio’s Vodka party I attended when I was out here last.”

“The one where you met Penelope...”

“Yup. I didn’t know they’d assignherto the team, obviously. And believe me, she was just as shocked as I was about this development.”

“So what does this mean?”

I sigh. “Fuck, Leslie. She’s so fucking beautiful, my dick jumped when I saw her again.”

“We’ve discussed the penis talk, Maddox. I love you, but I don’t need to know anything about your dick.”

Chuckling, I signal to turn into the parking garage down the street from Penelope’s office, ducking as I drive through the different levels looking for a spot. For the record, I know the top of my truck is low enough not to hit the ceiling, but I still duck every single time.

I can’t be the only one, right?

“Sorry. But damn, Leslie. All I keep thinking about is our night together. Hell, for the past two months, I’ve thought about it a lot, more than I should probably admit. The one time I give in to temptation ends up being with a woman who made an impression on me, and now I’m going to see her day after day. We’re going to be working together, essentially.”

“And that’s the problem, Maddox.” She cuts me off. “I’m sure it’s not ethical for her to indulge in relations with a client, and you just got traded. I’m also fairly confident that the Bolts don’t want a scandal of you hooking up with their PR rep. You’ve been able to keep lots of things out of the public eye for a long time, and that’s exactly how it needs to stay. Wouldn’t you hooking up with Penelope behind the scenes kind of undermine what they’re trying to do?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Fuck, I know. You’re right.”

“Glad you can admit that. Most men can’t admit when a woman is right.”

“You know I’m not most men.”

She hums. “No, you’re not, which is why I know this must be hard for you... no pun intended.”

“Just for the record, you’re the one who made a penis joke that time.”