“I did. Shit.”

We both share a laugh before I let out a frustrated sigh. “I just don’t know what to do, Leslie.”

“There’s not much youcando, Maddox. Just focus on football. Maybe when the contract with her firm is up, you can revisit your connection if you feel it’s still there.”

“Oh, it’s still there,” I interject, remembering how Penelope reacted when I cornered her in her office on Friday, a move that was risky but confirmed what I already know—that the chemistry between us is just as strong as it was two months ago.

“I’m not going to lie, though, your reaction to this woman is a little concerning.”

“She’s not Brittney, Leslie.”

“I know. But you didn’t know who Brittney really was even after you’d been with her for a long time.”

Biting my lip, I battle with her reminder of how I’ve been fooled before. But Penelope is different. She’snotBrittney, and something deep in my gut tells me that.

“Just behave yourself, Maddox. This is your career and your livelihood, the goal you’ve worked toward since you were seven and played your first season of peewee football. It’s all you’ve ever talked about. No woman is worth jeopardizing that for. Remember how close you were to losing everything once.”

I swing my truck into a parking spot and shift into park. “Yeah, I know. You’re right... again.”

“Good luck with your meeting, and we’ll talk soon. I know you haven’t been gone long, but I already miss your face.”

After New Orleans decided to let me go, I spent some time at home in Newberry Springs, Texas, before I was officially picked up by the Los Angeles Bolts. My parents were thrilled to have me around for a while, naturally, and of course I spent as much time as I could with my cousin helping out with the foundation. It was humbling being home and living a normal life for a while, but nothing is ever concrete when playing for the NFL, and my glimpse of normalcy with my family was too short-lived.

“Miss you, too, Les.”

“But I’ll see you in a few months for camp, right?”

“Yes, you will.”

“Now, go meet with Penelope, and be the professional I know you are.”

I love that she has faith in me, but at the same time, I’m still a man—a man who is insanely attracted to the woman I’m about to have a conversation with for God knows how long. “I’ll try.”

I hang up and rest my head on the seat behind me, closing my eyes while trying to convince myself that I have everything under control.

But my chest is tight, my palms are sweating, and my head is filled with thoughts of Penelope and everything I already know about her that has me wanting to know more.

My cousin may have faith in me, but I’m not sure I have enough in myself.

So much has changed in my life recently, including wanting a woman I know I can’t have, and I’m not sure if that’s a boundary I want to honor or not.

* * *

“Mr. Taylor. It’s so good to see you again.” The man I met last time outside of Penelope’s office leaps from his seat as soon as I round the corner.

“Hey. Same to you...”

“Garret,” he finishes for me. “I’m Garret, Miss Klein’s assistant.”

“Nice to see you again, Garret.” He smiles and then starts twisting as he stands there. “Is Penelope in her office?”

“Oh, yes! She’s ready for you whenever you’re ready to go in.” Waving his hands toward the door, he slides out of my way, allowing me to reach for the handle.


“My pleasure. I hope you have a great meeting!”

Amused by his excitement, I knock on Penelope’s door and wait for her acknowledgment to enter this time.